A man is suspended from job for exposing rat-infested kitchen at Popeyes in disgusting video

I just turned down such a request as you state, consult for a future opening of a rural food establishment. The commonality of that information is readily available to restaurant wannabes and hardened restauranteurs. The food industry is at odds with keeping the consumer safe, as long as the system is vulnerable to tampering, it will persist, and does at great cost to the consumer.

BTW: Spend one day in the shoes of a Health Dept. inspector, you’ll never eat in a restaurant again, ever.


I try to only eat where they serve in the open or have an open kitchen. Like at gyro places, or Beth’s in Seattle.

Maybe doesn’t do much to help protect me, but I can at least be confident kitchen staff isn’t fucking around in the open.

In anycase I’m not stupid. The #1 rule of going to a restaurant is: be nice to staff they have a really crap job and it’s unwise to make enemies of those who handle your food.


#2 rule, use your nose, it’s the one evolutionary weapon that will never lie to you. If it smells off, oh folks it’s f’ing off.


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