Originally published at: A man obsessed with Guinness world records balances 101 rolls of toilet paper on his head | Boing Boing
Love the words of encouragement!
“Drop it! Daddy, drop it!”
Doesn’t the Guinness World Records organization (only distantly related to the beverage company at this point, I expect?) make a lot of its money these days by charging ridiculous amounts to certify these things?
See also:
So that’s where all the hordes/ed TP went to.
Is his ultimate goal to hold the record for the most records held?
The cardboard is totally cheating. If it wasn’t I could just balance 4 cases on my head and flush his record
Sounds sorta crappy to me.
OK, clearly this has nothing to do with Guinness, and this dude is just flexing about how much toilet paper he has. It’s probably his Tinder profile pic, too.
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