A Map of the Introvert’s Heart By an Introvert

I have never understood why people always get introverts confused with sociopaths.


Hi, welcome to the internet! This is a place where people go to talk about shit that’s important to them. If you don’t like it when people talk about shit that’s important to them, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Geez according to this map the only thing an introvert can love is animals… I guess I need a new label then.

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The more sadistic sociopaths like having people around-easier see the pain you’re inflicting on someone who’s there. The less harmful ones just don’t care.

The most social-phobic introverts tend to be painfully aware of how easy it is to make others uncomfortable.

Isn’t that a suburb of Nightvale?

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Agreed. I don’t really know where I fit in exactly. I love my solitude and I’m quite content to entertain myself but I also really enjoy social interaction, just not all the time.

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The real definition of an introvert isn’t that you don’t like people, it’s that you need alone time to recharge. Amazingly, some people boost their energy by being WITH people. Crazy.


They’re a hate-hate relationship for me. Stripping even more entry-level jobs out of the economy so that supermarket chain owners can accumulate another $million this quarter doesn’t seem like a good outcome for anyone.


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