A monument to laboratory rats and mice



Looks like something right out of a disney movie.

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I was reading about John Calhoun and his work at NIMH just yesterday. Great monument.

Mrs. Frisby was the first thing that I had thought of when I saw it, too.


The results are pretty fascinating. After just a few generations the Foxes became submissive and started barking

I heard that an unfortunate side effect was that when they get over-excited, the pee themselves uncontrollably. Iā€™m taking them off of my wish list.

I donā€™t know, the nose makes it look like it might be related to Joe Camelā€¦

I guess that would go under smoking research.

The Institute, however, is popularly associated with a very different animal ā€” the silver fox.

I didnā€™t even know George Hamilton was Russian.

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This is touching. I think it was Mrs. Thisby wasnā€™t it? John Prineā€™s ā€˜space monkeyā€™ and Temple Grandin come to mind while I wipe my eyes.

Great idea and well executedā€¦gonna use this in upcoming talks and seminars!

It seems that it isnā€™t mentioned quite as often, but they also have a cohort of foxes that were bred for aggression ā€“ the difference in appearance between the tame and ferocious ones is quite striking.

Sacrificed, not ā€œkilledā€.


At first, I wondered why they anthropomorphized the mouse. Then, I though ā€œPeta will love thisā€. Then i thought of Art Spiegelman, and then I was sad.

It is sad. I had a pigeon lab as an undergrad and I took my bird home with me because I just didnā€™t want her to be put down. Thank you for the linkā€¦

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This reminds me of Dr. Rat by William Kotzwinkel. Itā€™s a disturbing satire whose chapters alternate between Life in a Lab with cracked old Dr Rat, a lab preparation who has sold out to the Man, and The Revolution of The Animals, brought to you by the subliminal frequency. What a story!

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