A new ad for 'Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser' suggests we need to do a lot of homework to enjoy this expensive vacation

KURTZ: Captain Willard, I am your father


so no gunfight in the cantina after all, more like playing video games in a hotel room

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I wish I trusted people enough to give them the opportunity to do cool stuff.

But also, talking about missions that would involve going around the various locations - think Pokemon Go, maybe brief contacts with castmembers (a bartender informant, or a spy contact kind of thing) who would be able to process a lot of visitors per hour due to the short time of the interaction. Imagine if R2D2 had not been around and Princess Leia spent 3 minutes passing YOU the message to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The whole project sounds like somebody saw Westworld and missed the part where it’s impossible without an army of humanoid robots


Everybody in the hotel get in the life pods!

WE ALL have vital information written down on a napkin to give Obi-Wan Kenobi … don’t get it wet

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There is the other problem with Westworld - for it to work the robots that you exploit have to be basically be human. Disney just goes In knowing that they are going to be exploiting humans and pays them far less than any robot would ever cost

I am not saying any of this is a good idea, I am just idly speculating on what might be a minimum level enjoyable experience within the parameters of a Disney experience

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People play and love MMOs where they literally stand in a crowd around the quest/reward giver.

If no one loses an arm in the cantina it is not Star Wars


I do always think about how Ben used his Jedi mind trick a minute before to get past some storm troopers, then decided the best way to diffuse a bar fight was to sever a dude’s arm.

More proof that AJAB


figuratively they stand. literally people mostly sit. the irl difference matters a bit, tho maybe not as much for younger kids

sure. just give away the ending why not

hmmm… are there ewoks in the sequel? :thinking:

When I saw ESB there were assholes literally yelling “Darth Vader is Luke’s father” coming out of the theatre.

ETA: wow - I just got that you meant their meat bags sitting vs their avatar standing. BRAVO

Standing Ovation Applause GIF by The Maury Show


Wow - I saw something like that once with people waiting outside for the new Harry Potter book.

What people gotta be dicks?

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