A new court battle over the Ramones' legacy goes back to a song about the KKK

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/07/a-new-court-battle-over-the-ra.html

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Punk really had two branches: Cynical Punk (big “C”) and Nihilistic Punk: Joey Ramone vs Johnny Ramone, Johnny Rotten vs Sid Vicious. Add your own!


Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight)


Shit people, quite simply, can still make great art.


There are those, in fact, that think that it is an advantage.

Mostly they are shit people who make art.


Exactly so. But that doesn’t make their art crappy, nonetheless, any more than it makes it better.


E.g. Salinger, Bukowski, Palahniuk, et al. Are they good writers because they’re assholes or in spite of or just in addition to?

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The music is their legacy. It’s out there for the listening. Fuck all the rest of this bullshit.


And the lawsuits against Jello / Alternative Tentacles by the other DK members for shady record company accounting makes that song heartbreakingly hypocritical. (and legitimately made my faith in humanity decrease a few notches when I heard Jello of all people was (or became) exactly what he claimed to despise). Damn hoomans.


If you haven’t read “I Slept With Joey Ramone” yet, go check it out. I had no idea that Joey had severe OCD and basically died from it (caused him to stay outside for too long in a New York winter).

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That’s the first time I’ve heard about Palahniuk being an asshole. Do you have any sources?

I appreciate Joey’s brother wanting to protect their legacy, but nothing Linda is doing matters. There is no need either to attempt to “grow the brand”. The music is out there and widely available for all who want it.

The best thing they could do if they control the rights is to throw it all into the public domain.


It’s actually pretty widely known among Ramones fans that KKK is not about Linda. As someone else said, read Mickey’s book, I Slept With Joey Ramone.

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I don’t know enough to give a complete analysis. I offer this only as an anecdote:

I saw him speak (for a long long time! Man that guy can overtalk) in my hometown, not long after the band re-united without him. He had his own version of events on this that he was still angry about. I do not remember details except that he felt betrayed by them and probably because they wanted him to exploit the catalog more commercially, which y’know, was antithetical to his anti-corporate attitude.

So whatever story you believe, it’s still “Anarchy for Sale”

P.S: I have a “clear” memory about seeing “California Uber Alles” in a video game ad on TV but for the life of me, can’t find it. It did show up here:

Yes! The song is NOT about Linda.

Marky’s book also talks about that a lot. Good read.

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