Originally published at: A romance author allegedly faked her own suicide to boost book sales | Boing Boing
What a dummy. Everyone knows that the best way to improve your romance book sales is to dedicate yourself to a life of effective voting rights advocacy and public service. Helping to flip a couple Senate seats from red to blue goes a long way as well.
Rumor has it that she’s working on George Santos’ biography.
Take it easy on her. Who among us hasn’t been curious about who might show up at the wake and what kind of epitaph will be written?
Nobody? Oh, never mind.
Huh? If that’s an example of her style, I don’t think I’ll be buying the complete works.
She should try her hand at mysteries, seems more apt.
A: A bad one; so glad to help you answer that question. If it helps, you may not have actually killed yourself (and I won’t even joke about that one), but it does look like you’ve killed your career, such as it was.
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