Lol, it’s looking as if Ajit might have caused the GOP alot of pain in the near term future
While baby boomers tend to be more conservative and reliably vote for Republicans, millennials are the exact opposite. Andersen, who studies voter behavior and sentiment, says party demographics reinforce this split between generations, and he sees little political interest from boomers in millennials and their issues. The decision to repeal net neutrality – an issue that Andersen says means very little to the Republican base, but is the equivalent of killing clean water for millennials – is one example.
“Young people don’t pay as much attention to politics, but net neutrality is the kind of issue that gets people’s attention,” Andersen said. “This is a little thing that could take a group, largely considered to be liberal and more likely to be Democratic, but not politically connected, and push it firmly into the Democratic camp.”