Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/26/rep-maxine-waters-inspires-th.html
At least the news anchor didn’t try to minimize the fact;
Fake news! He never said that thing he said, and anybody who says he said it is fake! Also, the Democrat party made him say it! And whoever leaked that fake quote should be in prison! Lock her up! Lock her up!
As long as you aren’t promoting, perpetuating or threatening physical violence and it’s against elected representatives and in public places not their homes, I think it’s perfectly democratic (little d) to have protests against politicians behaving badly. I don’t care what party they are with.
I mean you cannot do this to your bigoted neighbors that voted for those politicians, as much as I would want to, that’s just wrong, even though the neighbors are the ones that gave the power to said politicians in the first place and are actually the root of the problem, not the politicians who are performing exactly as advertised, horrorshow and all.
But realize there is a never ending supply of such politicians, your neighbor however is going to keep voting for them.
If you think this year and the midterms are a slam-dunk, you just aren’t paying attention or you are deluding yourself. There is a VERY real chance the senate is going to get close to 60 seats for trump and VERY likely whatever Mueller reports to congress will go completely ignored and buried despite the newsmedia bursting into flames over it.
Let’s compare the video of Maxine Waters telling protestors to confront Trump administration officials and make them feel unwelcome with video of Trump telling supporters at rallies to “knock the crap out of” protestors.
I’m with her
Me too. Everyone can go take a leap with this “civility” horseshit (looking at you Chuck & Nancy). We are teetering on the precipice of a dictatorship and genocide. This is no longer a debate, this calls for active, sustained resistance. Perhaps the most important aspect of resistance at the onset of authoritarianism (because it’s too late after), is widespread, vocal dissent. The traditional and modern forms of information dissemination have completely absconded their roles in a shameful parody of journalism and neutrality in the pursuit of market share. It is now on the people and Rep Waters is one of the few with the foresight and perspective to see just how threatened our democracy is right now. You can bet that if I am unfortunate enough to see one of these fascists in public they’re getting an earful that’s loud enough to signal anyone nearby that this is not normal.
45% of the country already has.
Can’t like that; it’s too depressing.
That’s totally fair.
“Confront” Paul Ryan.
Specifically, confront him about why he’s fine with Steve King retweeting actual nazis, but Maxine Waters promoting civil disobedience against a fascist regime is beyond the pale.
The TGOP snowflakes are cracking, all it took was for one good person to say NO. Now think what will happen when we all say Fuck No to this tRump freak show?
Snows gonna flake.
The core of the problem is that you probably meant that to be a metaphor.
I wonder if there would be any power to assembling a large group of protesters and have them just stare at the object of their ire. No shouting, no chants, no catcalls, no sounds at all. Nothing. Just stand completely still and stare at them until they leave.