Google didn’t cough up any examples, but I did find this.
There are consequences…
If only there were some word for this scene that would be understandable to the alt-right…
Well yeah, at least those members who live in Cuckistan.
Sounds like I have a new lunchtime homework assignment
A hole in the Republican Senate appears:
I think she’s going to focus on election reform, which we really need her to do. I just hope they don’t throw up a blue dog to run.
President Cuck?
Let’s hope that Donnie demands satisfaction and invokes the code duello.
As the challenged, Justin would have the choice of weapons, and as a Canadian he would choose canoes.
Perhaps a politeness contest - if you want to completely stack the deck against Donnie.
Curling brooms at 10 paces?
The rocks’ll do. Odds are Donnie couldn’t lift it.
Just watching Donnie kill himself getting into a canoe would be the best.
With Trudeau juggling them like Fezzik in The Princess Bride?
I haven’t had a chance to try registering my site as a Google news producer, but here’s an example of the crap turning up in my feed:
They slapped up a Wordpress site, told Google that it’s news. Done. (Repeat by the thousands.)
There ought to be a law! (Cranky old man voice.)