Initial reaction, RTJ and Rage? That would be an amazing show…
At a capital one arena (which one? where? aren’t there like a million of them)?
I looked on their website and only saw a few dates at music festivals so far…
Oh yeah! This will be good.
Might be an excuse to travel to Prague…
Late June here…
[ETA] Correction, I had managed to scroll to far to the Janet Jackson tour… apparently, there is no ATL date so far, which seems fucked up?
“The House version says localities must offer the monument to museums, historical societies, governments or military battlefields for 30 days before removal.”
“The Senate version does the same, but also has stricter provisions: a historic review, a public comment period and a requirement that the locality’s governing body must have at least a two-thirds vote to authorize the change.”
"Charlottesville city spokesman Brian Wheeler told the AP in an email, that Charlottesville will start the process for removal (of Lee statue) if Northam signs the bill. "
Sign it Ralph!
If the point is to prevent abortions, vasectomies are a great solution.
Ha. Hit em where it hurts!
I would recommend local anesthetic for everyone but the anti-abortion politicians. For them I recommend 10 cc’s of lemon juice, applied topically to the wound site until screaming subsides.
Possibly triggering material RE: abortion under the cut
Procedure to be performed with a rusty coathanger.
Now, the only question is, should they go for two? If a paper trail develops from Trump to Barr on the Stone intervention, that could do it.
I’m hoping for at least a hat trick.