Following a Monday morning meeting in Chicago with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez staged a sit-in. Accompanying him was a delegation of lawyers, community leaders, activists and other officials.
I had an interesting run-in with a typical Trumpian yesterday that really summed up for me the prevailing attitude. On another message board, some folks were saying how baffled they were at all the insanity coming out of the WH right now, and I said, essentially, “well, all the facts were out there; we knew Trump was a racist, xenophobic failed businessman with Russian connections who was known to molest women, and his chief advisor was on record saying that his goal was to tear down the American system of government. So if you voted for that, you’re either kinda complicit, or utterly ignorant.”
The immediate response I got was this, verbatim: “Not only do I disagree with your comments I condemn them. And, I am willing to fight you and those who think like you until my dying breath. Your narrative is part of the true hate group in this country, and I suggest you wake up. You sir are a liar and a deceiver of men. I will not allow you to poison the minds of others unopposed. I will not tolerate your lies and I’m calling you out.”
They never bothered to actually rebut or debate a single thing I posted. They just want someone to fight. They’re so frustrated about people different from them doing things they dislike that they want An Enemy to battle. They can’t fight ‘equality’ or ‘society’ or ‘change’, but they can punch a liberal in the face.
Right. Having to actually explain their beliefs, let alone provide evidence, has always been too much for so many of them. Too much work, and/or too difficult.
Gutierrez isn’t perfect, but he has represented his constituents fiercely for decades now.
First that I recall hearing of him. Hopefully he inspires others to take similar stands. Next election will be about who fought 45 and who held the door while he robbed the country.
Since 1993, represents the 4th congressional district:
From 1986 - 1992, was the alderman for the 26th ward, which is largely the Pilsen neighborhood (originally Czech, hence the name, but now Mexican).
Just sharing here
I am mesmerized by that district.
They had to get that stretch of Tri-State in there to connect those two pieces of district
But the death panels!
You’ll notice that the right leaning rags call it Ryancare and not Trumpcare. Trump is setting up Ryan to take the fall when the bill either does not pass or is passed and sucks big ones.
I don’t watch enough corporate media to know this - - i wonder what Democrats are calling it? It was Republicans who kept calling the ACA Obamacare until it stuck, making it that much easier to rail against now; turnabout seems like very fair play in this case.
Maybe we should try getting Trumpnocare to stick, because that’s what this legislation has to offer.
Good one.
Trumpcare is what I have been hearing.
I get this All. The. Time. from them. Someone here summed it up well; they don’t care what Trump does, they elected him to stick it to those fancypants Libruls and everything he does is Good and Right.
Their follow up after that was a surreal piece of doublethink.
They stated that they righteously supported the eradication of all “Arabs” from America and Europe to prevent “race mixing” and to keep things pure, and said they were tired of being called a bigot for it. I said well, by definition, what you’re saying is both bigoted and white nationalist rhetoric, so I’m not sure why you’d be surprised. They declared that I was a violent member of a ‘hate group’, said they wanted to fight me and hurt me, and that they didn’t see what was wrong with white nationalism anyway. I left it there.
Text “resist” to 50409
Someone’s gonna be grumpy.
[quote=“anon15383236, post:987, topic:93648”]
turnabout seems like very fair play in this case.
[/quote]I don’t think the liberal media “fringe” is going to constantly lie about the impact and the content of the AHCA until people think the ACA is good and Obamacare is bad.