According to Roll Call, by 5 p.m. on October 17, the White House had asked and received information from the Pentagon that indicated “senior White House aides were aware on the day the president made the statement that it was not accurate—but that they should try to make it accurate as soon as possible, given the gathering controversy.”
In electing Donald Trump, he said, “the country made a mistake and I think the next mistake might very well be the gas chamber and what happened to Jews [under] Hitler is not too far from our door.”
“A new analysis by Steve Rosenthal of the Tax Policy Center finds that tax cuts benefitting foreigners who own stock in US companies will total about $70 billion a year. In contrast, middle-income households in the US will only see $23 billion in savings, according to his organization’s preliminary estimates.”
We are missing more voices like this in the world.
No wonder this kind of voices are being suppressed today, it is a threat to traditional economic systems.
Well, Mr Corker get off your ass and do something about it. Start impeachment proceedings, limit his power, shut him down. Put your money where your mouth is M’fkr.