A round up of Trumpian events 🖕🍊🤡

Literally tears in my eyes over that one. SO awesome to hear people speaking up to representatives.


So I just got done watching Wayne LaPierre’s CPAC speech.

Am I hearing things but; did he really not mention the massive student protests the past week, yelled random buzzwords & talking points about socialism, advocate against school officials investigating child abuse and basically turning every public school into a high security prison like it was in that one Blink 182 music video?

My God, does he actually hate young people or is he trying to scare old people into acting cruel to young people because they’re afraid of any sort of little change that takes them slightly out of their comfort zones? That generation just lost their permission to call young people ‘snowflakes’ haha

His opening act was cringy too by the way.


I think part of it is that they see the problem not as being one of social anomie, too many guns, or anything else that can be solved by the state passing legislation. They see the problem as children not be entirely subject to their parents, teachers, preachers, police or other authority figures. Kids not shutting up and being perfect little automatons that are easily controlled is how they see the problem. They just want to crack down on rebellious youths, not fix social problems.


This is about money and the 30% guaranteed single issue voter for republicans and nothing less. The only change they are afraid of is the possibility of losing that 30% vote.

I fully expect NRA membership fees to rise soon because, you know, to fight the fight. They have to pay for Dana Loesch somehow.


That whole 5 million NRA members thing Wayne mentioned in his speech?

Sounds exactly like the same tactics Scientology does to inflate their membership numbers


It’s always so weird to see people twist reality to generate bullshit numbers. Do they know you can just make up whatever number you want and then just lie and say that’s the number? It’s a hell of a lot simpler.



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I’m sorry but i’m still trying to wrap my head around his speech a while ago.

He was trying to blame european socialists and Bernie Sanders for restricting guns. I just got done looking up the gun laws in the european countries who use Nordic Model with many of them having a strong shooting sports culture and they seem to have looser gun laws than the rest of europe in general (not by a whole lot mind you) and I also remembered that a capitalist country like Japan has significantly stricter gun laws than those Nordic Model countries lmao.

It takes an exceptional level of stupid to connect a country’s firearms policy to it’s economic model instead of the country’s concerns about guns falling into the hands of criminals and violent mentally ill people.


Also crazy because Bernie, as a Vermont senator, had a very nuanced view of gun control. Although, to be fair, Vermont is kinda like America’s li’l European country…



I know. Wayne accused gun control advocates of throwing things against the wall to see if they stick but the NRA supporters aren’t realizing this ‘throwing thing’ was basically Wayne’s entire CPAC speech today. It was completely baffling just to listen to it


Meanwhile their streaming TV channel’s twitter account is busy reposting dehumanizing remarks made by their on-air “talent”.


The funny thing is that the NRA has half a million twitter followers, NRA’s facebook page has 1.6 million followers and the NRATV twitter account has 250K as of this morning (the twitter bot purge might have eaten away at those numbers, who knows).

While they may have a strong money & aimed propaganda play with the whole spooky music thing they love to use, the sheer number of protesting students can easily outnumber them by a very wide margin if the students want it. The results from last night’s townhall in Parkland that shown they can outtalk the pro gun folks and Wayne’s speech that talked down the students concerns today have all but guaranteed that massive student protests will happen and continue to happen into the near future.

Instead of the NRA trying to put out a kitchen grease fire with water, they thought it was an even better idea to run out to the garage and get some kerosene to pour onto the grease fire. It could end up being one of the greatest political mistakes in history.


“Heh, you’re a kid, you can’t even vote yet.”

“I’m 17.”



Are they really afraid that city folk anti-gun elitists are going to come out and kill them?

With what? Starbucks coffee cup sleeves and Subaru manuals?


It’s important to remember the NRA is not an ideology lobbying group. It is a manufacturing organization lobbying group. It is more akin to an Exxon front arguing against global warming than the Heritage Foundation arguing for Conservative “values” that happen to believe global warming is a hoax. The purpose of the NRA is to sell guns.

edit: not necessarily a reply to A_N, I hit the wrong button.


I enjoyed your performance as an FBI agent who infiltrates a gang of white supremacists in Imperium. It must seem pretty surreal to you to see these white supremacists in America coming out of the woodwork. You filmed it in rural Virginia in September 2015, well before the neo-Nazi march on Charlottesville.

It’s been disturbing. When we were filming the KKK rally scenes in that film, we did have some people think we were a real rally. There were some rightly pissed off African-American people, and we’d all rush over to them and be like, “No, no! It’s only a film!” and were the most apologetic group of fake skinheads in the world at that moment. But we also had people drive by in trucks and honk their horns thinking we were a real rally, and it was appalling.


It was a really weird thing to experience because we were making a film about white supremacy so we didn’t think it had all gone away, but when it was that sort of casual, that was the thing that has been shocking. When we were making the film, we thought, “This is way more prevalent than people think but it’s still on the fringes,” and then to watch it become treated as a “legitimate” political point of view in some quarters because of how elevated some of its voices have become, it’s crazy.


only 5 million… out of 320+ million population. that is one whiny screaming minority.


Hah, I remember hearing those neckbeards who backed Trump complain about women in games and trying to say feminists were out against video games with some really backward bullshit theories. I was sitting here the past few years thinking that the guy they were so infatuated with would actually be the one who would truly try to blames games for bad things. I wasn’t wrong.


I’m actually surprised he didn’t blame it on porn.


He loves porn and pornstars way too much to do something like that