Originally published at: A scared Trump admits he expects to be arrested Tuesday | Boing Boing
They’ve also mince pied and Christmas puddinged the election.
Who’s taking bets on him flying out for a “vacation” in a non-extradition country like Russia on Monday?
I’d be delighted to have him wetting himself as he’s bundled away and all; but (until the contrary is specifically demonstrated) this behavior looks less like fear and more like another attempt to whip his loyalists into a frenzy.
Anarchy is tasty. Who knew?
Hopefully anyone who might otherwise heed his call for armed tourists will consider how much he pardoned and defended the Jan 6 mob.
God, I hope he will be hauled away.
Or maybe this time those tourists will be met with the response that law enforcement typically reserves for protesters attempting to make the world a better place.
The D.A. invited him to testify to the grand jury this week, and told him the jury was deliberating the indictment. I guess “illegal leaks” sounds better than “the D.A. personally called my attorney and said when the indictment is coming”
He’s clearly hoping to whip up at least the threat of a violent mob (probably as a bargaining tool), but it’ll be interesting to see who shows up given the short notice given, the lack of a location, and his lack of support for the Jan 6th arrestees.
Will anyone come to New York? Will people hold “protests” (anything from being obnoxious to acts of terror) at random locations associated with the federal government around the US?
Oo, they’ve never done that before. A radical move, but it just might work.
It’s just his practical application of the elephant repellent joke for when it ends up not happening.
He’s quite the fruitcake.
A quick, yet handy set of reminders.
If you go out to celebrate his arrest, don’t go alone and bring a few extra set of eyes with you incase any sort of maniacs try to stir up shit. More witnesses the better. Having a Plan B meetup place with said sets of eyes in case shit goes south with the gun nuts is a good idea.
If you go to a counter protest against said right wingers throwing a fit about the arrest don’t forget that the cops will likely not be on your side. Don’t wear super recognizable clothing, dress to blend in with the crowd and hide your tattoos (don’t be like the Jan 6th idiots who were dumb enough to wear their workplace badges/lanyards/shirts, letterman jackets or Captain Caveman cosplay to the Capitol). Having a few well known things to wash out tear gas and properly locking your phone is a good idea too.
His congressional flying monkeys are gearing up to run interference for him.
His lawyers have put out a statement to say that he’s full of shit.
… a spokesman issued a statement saying that Mr. Trump had not written his post with direct knowledge of the timing of any arrest …
He’s not actually being arrested Tuesday. He’ll be indicted and then on some future day his lawyers will escort him to the D.A.s office (likely in a back door when no one is looking). The “being arrested” bit is just Trump trying to rile up his base
whynotboth.gif Whipping his loyalists into a frenzy is what he does when he’s afraid.
Bundt they are so tasty!