A security researcher says he guessed Trump's Twitter password

That would have been especially interesting given this court case which argues that Trump tweeting to declassify all documents in the investigation of Russian election interference in 2016 was an official order.


There must be a word for dying to tell someone about the clever password creation and remembering routines one has come up with but being unable to


If there is, it’s probably German. And about 35 letters long.


Was just about to say this, and suggest it starts with “Sehnsucht”




There is always a tweet.

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pwgen is right there yet I see people around me using dumb passwords.


An earlier workplace of mine had over the top password requirements and one office I visited just had a standard for how to update the password every two weeks. And they all used the same password.


I was thinking “drowssap” myself.

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I normally poo poo politicians declaring things that hurt their career to be “national security” risks. But considering that he regularly tweets actual US policy updates on Twitter, and that other countries watch it closely…this could actually be a national security / nuclear risk. He shouldn’t be allowed to bypass security on twitter any more than the nuclear ‘football’.

There’s a super good novel called " The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks Against the United States: A Speculative Novel " where a series of carless tweets cause a war. It’s written in the “world war z” style.


If it were me I would have had some serious fun with this. Like posting links to his taxes.


Every time I see somebody use the “MAGA” slogan in 2020, I think of that line from O Brother, Where Art Thou?

“I’ll reform you, you softheaded sonofabitch! How we gonna run reform when we’re the damn incumbent?”


While you or I or anyone could have had a good old time screwing with his account (“I think I just shit myself again!” hits all my juvenile buttons), I dont imagine it would have much effect on the election at this point.

It might be fun to come up with weird embarrassing tweets that Trump conceivably could have made, leaving him wondering “Did I say that? Sounds like me but I don’t remember.”


Too difficult for him to type. But - maybe he is now running with an XKCD Passphrase like personwomanmancameratv


Thanks for the info @alahmnat, this changes the whole story.

For those interested:

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I was thinking maga2024

That would have given away the game immediately, there is no way the real Trump would send something so logical and cogent.

It would have to be something like: I AM MAKING QUITTING GREAT AGAIN. AMERICA, YOU ARE FIRED!


Yeah but in Turmp’s case that’s just what he secretly wants you to do

in the 1980s and '90s I worked in data switching. When testing a new or restored line, we would often try logging in with our own terminals to speed things along: “test”, “guest”, “month/year”, “companyname”. got most of them that way :slight_smile: . People never changed default passwords on things like PADs and routers, either, so you got to know those. For personal users the length of the password mask was often all you needed to know, the longer the better. My favourite catch; a woman I knew challenged me to guess her password with only the mask length…two tries ( it was Booberella69 , no I’m not kidding )


I’ve never heard that term, so I assume it refers to X.25 (“these ethernet whippersnappers wouldn’t know a serial fan hawser from a Farnsworth moducomp!”)


X.25 and circuit switching (meaning physical lines switched just like a telephone, but with digital line drivers instead of telephone hardware) and packet switched SDLC using PADs that simulated physical lines for the most part. But yeah, we had a Wheatstone bridge all brass and bakelite in a dovetail wooden box, just to show those darn kids who’s boss