Sam actually told Jon about that, didn’t he?
Bran just told his sisters because Jon asked him to. He didn’t have any proof.
It’s just spreading as a rumor. As far as the plot is concerned, it doesn’t even matter whether it’s true.
Sam actually told Jon about that, didn’t he?
Bran just told his sisters because Jon asked him to. He didn’t have any proof.
It’s just spreading as a rumor. As far as the plot is concerned, it doesn’t even matter whether it’s true.
He did, but it was Bran who saw into the past to see Jon’s true parentage and his birth. The reference Sam found in the Citadel to Lyanna Stark’s secret marriage confirmed it, and Bran asked Sam to relay the truth, since Jon’s his best friend. But without Bran it wouldn’t have been uncovered or spread.
Very few things would please me more than to see Drogon melt it down to a mere pool of molten steel at the end.
If they really want to “subvert expectations” I hope they choose to end it in an
actually satisfying healthy way like that, instead of blowing it all on weirdly unjustified Jon Snow worship.
Curl up around it as part of his treasure hoard, like Smaug?
drogon, first of his name, king of the reptiles and the first birds, …
OK WELL DANY’S EVIL NOW and there are less than 90 minutes left to do anything about it
Maybe Arya will just stab all the problems to death again
they really should have stuck with ten episodes per year and taken as long as it took to tell the story
Today is Mothers’ Day; with all the hullabaloo, I actually forgot to watch it.
(I honestly don’t care about spoilers for this increasingly disappointing show at this point; I’m just going to bed.)
Well, we suspected Daenerys was going to Do Bad Things, but the way they shot this one, we’re clearly meant to stop sympathizing with her at all. She’s the new bad guy. Finally, the white men can come together to defeat the newly-villainized brown people and the uppity albino woman like gawd intended /s
Not too surprised; they’ve been broadcasting this “turn” for three episodes now openly. She’s a Targaryen full of rage who feels she’s been abandoned or betrayed by everyone she loves or trusts and sees King’s Landing & the Red Keep as the symbol of everything taken from her family. So she’s “cleansing” it and starting fresh like a proper tyrannical fascist. I think spending most of the episode with the people of the city to show its horrors was smart. This isn’t a heroic victory, it’s hell. I’m fascinated to see how her former supporters react and what comes next.
Quite frankly, I’m hoping for an empty McD’s Happy Meal carton somewhere in the background.
I mean, only because he keeps telling us he is. Has he done anything to demonstrate that power (besides go back in time to mess up Hodor’s brain)? It’s the most anti-show-don’t-tell power ever.
Although, I am a fan of this theory for the final episode’s twist:
This is the second week in a row that I have completely forgotten GoT was on.
Start Derail:
Was watching Bonding on Netflix instead. What has been the kink community response to that show? That’s a general question for anyone that might know.
I felt the first couple episodes they had to make the jokes for the edgy yet mostly normal people. But with that out of their system they have had some genuinely tender moments that step beyond the more obvious script elements.
End Derail:
Do yourself a favour and get booze before you watch it. And a pillow to hit.
Seriously, it feels like all writers are on strike. The exposition starts with the pre-title “Dany goes gaga” and does not stop until Arya storms out of Kings landing on a white stallion, very much like the one given to Dany in the first season.
More heavy-handed than the Kingslayer, that one.
BTW, Jamie is the tragic hero of the whole eight seasons. Killed the Mad King, fist pure and right thing he did in his life, only to delay the fate of King’s Landing. Should have stayed loyal. Most of those who burned now weren’t even born then.
So they went with dany’s sudden but inevitable betrayal?
I’ve felt some of the quiet moments (this week between tyrion and jaime) have been superb but the rest is all (admittedly beautiful) spectacle* with some infuriating character betrayals like dany or jaime’s progression over the last several years suddenly being undone in a moment.
*ETA: I mean spectacle for the sake of it, as if the writers started each sentence with “wouldn’t it be cool if…” and not really caring for the substance.
Watched it.
Yeah… that was thoroughly unsatisfying, not to mention unnecessary.
Once Drogon took out all the scorpions and the gold company, there was no actual need to burn anything else.
Nah, no need.
I realized awhile ago that the show had lost it’s ‘jush’’ back in S5, but because I haven’t been a decades-long fan, my expectations weren’t so high and I was able to accept it more easily.
It just sucks how clearly the writers didn’t give one single fuck by this point in the narrative.
Jamie ‘should have’ stayed with Brienne, if he wasn’t going to be useful and actually kill Cersei.
That was the biggest letdown of this whole damn show.
Fuckin’ A; I don’t care what they did before; now D&D suck, and NOT in the good way.
I always assumed the fight between the Lannisters and the Targaryens would be resolved before the final war against the undead.
And everybody said no, no, Jon and Daenerys have to get married and live happily ever, that’s the real proper end, trust us, we know what we’re talking about.
BULLSHIT. Defeating the Night King was the end of the story. Winter isn’t coming anymore. WTF is even going on now? Of course they don’t know how to tell this version, everything is out of order.