A Spoiler Thread of Ice and Fire

Everyone, full stop. Sophie Turner thinks second guessing the Game of Thrones finals is disrespectful.

PSSSSST…Hey Sophie, just wait until everyone sees your X-Men Dark Phoenix to round out your X-Men trilogy. You think folks are critical of GoT?

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And this is a very young dragon who should not be expected to know about what sort of priests exist, other than what Daenerys might have told him about.

It wasn’t like they were raised north of the wall.

Drogon even went to Old Valyria without Dany, and Valyrian priestesses came to chat about the dragons afterwards. I don’t think the dragons were shielded from their existence.

All I’m saying is that they left it wide-open to bring her back in future properties any way they want, as long as they can afford Emilia Clarke and she’s available.

“Body last seen heading east, over the horizon in the care of a mythical beast, towards a land constantly hyped as being the land of a death-reversing religion for anyone who loved fire enough or had royal blood.” is not a convincing GOT-style death.

It’s the narrative equivalent of “Lex Luthor was in that exploding building, I guess that’s the end of him. We couldn’t find his body, but no one could have survived that mighty blast.”


It is true that “Hmmm… let me go use my magic power to try and find that dragon” seems like an odd place to end Bran’s story on, beyond giving themselves the ability to spin off a new show.


Not to go totally off-topic, but Maisie Williams’ New Mutants movie – filmed in 2016 and 2017 – may not be coming out until 2021, which doesn’t bode well for it in general, but it’ll be kinda weird to watch a movie with her five years younger than when it’s released.


Its apparently a terrible film with a take on the New Mutants that was way out of left field. Massie was one of an ensemble, so I agree weird for us to watch; but I doubt any of us will think her take on Rahne (Wolfsbane) will be bad.

Turner on the other hand is one of the primary characters in the X-Men reboot who also is the focal point of the end cap film. And by all measures her performance to date has been a suck-fest.

Apparently they were in cahoots, all along!


Was that really the message you took away? Lol, goes to show how wildly different interpretations can be. Seems to me the message was 180 degrees the opposite- there will never be a perfect leader, and it’s unwise to think it’s possible or desirable. More important is to get to the next imperfect but better iteration with as little bloodshed as possible. Seems to me it was espousing evolution over revolution while specifically saying to guard against investing too much in leaders.

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And if no leader is perfect or ideal, why not try someone who’s literally infused with the past history of the land they’re leading?

You’re expecting accurate metallurgy from a show that had Valyrian (Damascus) steel swords cast from a larger sword, and showed obsidian being melted down into blades, complete with flint-knapping marks!?!


A guy can dream, can’t he? I’m perfectly ready to suspend belief for shows like this, but if you’re not going to do some basic homework on two pretty core elements of the show (iron throne and dragonfire) you might as well break the 4th wall down completely and have Peter Dinklage do a warmup chat with the audience every episode.

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I’m just catching up after avoiding spoilers for weeks and watching the finale last night.

My main technical nitpick was with the scene where Rhaegon was shot down and Euron’s fleet destroys Dany’s. I mean, Danaerys and her captains and advisors are not idiots. They pulled all their strength north to fight the army of the dead. Dragonstone wasn’t a given as a safe haven. It’s within easy striking distance of King’s Landing, last known location of Euron’s fleet. They would have Dany and the dragons scouting by air and smaller, faster ships scouting by sea. Dragonstone’s great tactical advantage is it’s sheltered, deepwater harbor, making it unnecessary to anchor great ships out at sea, sitting ducks. It’s simply not feasible for that ambush to happen the way they showed it.

@nungesser I agree with your reading of Dany, except I don’t think it was inevitable until that moment on the wall with the bells going off. I found myself saying out loud, “Don’t trust it, it’s Cersei, it’s a trick” And that’s the moment Danaerys broke.

It makes sense if you haven’t just watched the show, but also read (and re-read) the books. She never really had a father and mother. She never had a home. She was abused by her older brother. She was sold off as a girl, traded to another brute for an army. As she grew up and started taking control of her life, you could imagine the war inside her. She identified with the weak and abused, and that gave her the empathy to free the slaves of Slaver’s Bay. But she also burned with ambition, which made her a conqueror.

Leading up to the sack of King’s Landing, she was at a breaking point. Her oldest protector, Jorah, died for her. Her best friend was beheaded in front of her. And the second of her “babies,” Rhaegon, was killed suddenly in front of her. Her lover rejected her. Her advisors were betraying her. Emotionally, she was at a tipping point. I wanted her to fly straight to the Red Keep and blast the whole tower Cersei was watching from. But that would have been too pat. Too storybook. Not at all GRRM.


He should not even be able to do what he did within the logic of the books, as he also melted the stone on both sides of the throne. While dragons can do so in GRRM’s creation, only the very large old dragons should be able to do so. And by dragon standards Drogon should be quite young and small.

But then, the show never said anything about it, I think.

And real-world logic of course would not apply, since he fucking melded the walls and Jon could just stand close to that heat without even a hair frizzed.

It is the law of extruded metal.

I’d watch that.


This exactly. I knew what she had in her head (because she kept saying “I’m going to burn down the city” and everyone kept telling her not to), but I desperately hoped she’d stay on target and just blow up the Red Keep. There’s always endless speculation as to how the books & TV show diverge, but of all things in the show, razing King’s Landing is something I’m pretty sure will be a featured part of the books (should they ever be finished). But I’m also sure we’ll get a hefty Dany POV chapter to get a much more nuanced look at what’s going on with her than what an admittedly very rushed season of TV can show us.


Absolutely. The main reason for the reaction people are having is that it was horribly rushed. To keep with the style of both the show and the books, they should have spent more character time, especially with Dany, to build up her state of mind going into the sack of King’s Landing. I think Varys turned too quickly. He’s one of the least likely characters in the show to glom onto Jon Snow over Dany. He’s been working on getting Dany back on the throne for almost 20 years. A scene from Varys’ perspective, between just him and Dany, where she just looses it, declares she’s going right now to burn the iron fleet and King’s Landing to the ground, all by herself, would have gone a long way. Maybe Varys talks her down, persuading her that it’s too dangerous, that she needs her army as a distraction, before approaching Tyrion about switching allegiances to Jon.

The way they did it, it was just too:


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