A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 2)

The article is a bit out of date: a teenage (male, of course) student has been arrested for making the images.


Southern Baptists narrowly rejected a proposal Wednesday to enshrine a ban on churches with women pastors in the denomination’s constitution after opponents argued it was unnecessary because the denomination already has a way of ousting such churches.

The vote received support from 61% of the delegates, but it failed to get the required two-thirds supermajority. The action reversed a preliminary vote last year in favor of the official ban.

But it still leaves the Southern Baptist Convention with its official doctrinal statement saying the office of pastor is limited to men. Even the opponents of the ban said they favored that doctrinal statement but didn’t think it was necessary to reinforce it in the constitution.



i learned that singer Dionne Warwick, upset with misogyny in rap lyrics, once set up a meeting with Snoop Dogg and Suge Knight at her home, where she demanded that they call her a “b****” to her face. Snoop Dogg later said “I believe we got out-gangstered that day.” (x)


Oh, this gives me a Key & Peele flashback, too!


How is this?

Still, “in no way have we declared victory,” said Elizabeth Mynatt, dean of Northeastern’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences. For one thing, many of the rest of the degrees that women earn are disproportionately in lower-paying fields, such as social work (89% women) and teaching (83% women).

Now, here we get the the crux of it. Are teaching and social work lower paid because they are less important? Of course not. Are they lower paid because they are primarily women? Now we are getting somewhere. Not addressed in the article, but in my field, nursing is a women-dominated field, but men are not uncommon. They tend to make more, though, because they seem to trend toward management
The Gender Pay Gap In Nursing | NurseJournal.org

We need to do better, folks.


At the UN, at least when I worked there, the HR scale was divided into two tranches: GS (general service) and P (professional). But nestled within GS was one tier that magically men who were hired as ‘GS’ would be put in. It was the only tier that allowed one to move from GS to P (and the related higher pay, prestige, etc.). Because yes, somehow it was only the men who seemed to trend toward management/professional assignments. Funny how that works.


So, just another billionaire misogynist. But I repeat myself.


They’re also identifying as abuse victims of said religious organizations.


Yup, total fucking mystery why women are separating themselves from abusive people, situations and organizations.

I’m saddened there was a 20-ish year pause in this trend. :frowning:


My #CompSci lecturers often dropped the names of inventors. But only if they were men. We talked about Gordon Moore, obviously Turing :rainbow-flag: was mentioned, about Don Knuth, about Chomsky etc.

But when we discussed the #ARM architecture, we never talked about the inventor Sophie Wilson. We also never talked about Mary Ann Horton, despite her work on vi and terminfo – but of course we mentioned Bill Joy. We discussed the Spanning Tree Protocol, but not its inventor Radia Perlman. We have the whole field of #SoftwareEngineering, but who coined the term? Margaret Hamilton. We mentioned the ENIAC and v. Neumann, but failed to talk about Adele Goldstine. We discussed the origins of #OOP and #Smalltalk but ignored Adele Goldberg. We programmed in #Assembly but never talked about the woman who wrote the first #Assembler, Kathleen Booth. And don’t get me started on #Safari and our sweet @lisamelton <3 Or any of the (incomplete list) of Ida Rhodes, Carol Shaw, Shafi Goldwasser, Edith Clarke, Annie Easley, Joyce Little, …

And today? Let’s talk about our favorite trans woman CPU designer, Lynn Conway.


Lynn developed “generalized dynamic instruction dispatch” for IBM in 1966. 2 years later she was kicked out, just after Robert Tomasulo published the “Tomasulo Algorithm” for out-of-order execution of floating point instructions, utilizing Lynn’s work. Everyone knows Tomasulo (and he did great work, mind you!), but no-one knows Lynn.

Later, in technical compsci, you may stumble upon highly integrated circuits, everyone there knows #VLSI, but not the inventor, our dear Dr. Conway.

Her story, her struggle against IBM who took decades to apologize to her for her mistreatment. She transitioned in darker times and pioneered not “only” in compsci. She was what many would call “greater than life”. She died a few days ago.

Today, let’s remember Lynn , tomorrow we’ll fight on :fist:



Reading her book on low level network protocols, she’s a really good teacher also.


This is an extreme example, but sadly, not that extreme.


She is being recognized, FWIW



Y no one box!!!

Honestly, this was also something that could be said about Game of Thrones… Martin’s book does a much better job at giving the women some deep complexity… Certainly, an argument can be made that the story did not need to be about a fantasy world that mirrored ours so closely that it includes misogyny… but he did. And to that end, I think he did a good job at showing how the women of that world dealt with the realities of living in such a misogynistic society. I think that the difference between Catelyn Stark and Cersei Lannister in the book illustrates that well. While Cat thrived in the traditional role (until her family came under attack) Cersei clearly found that role to be utterly confining and rebelled against it however she could…




Nice rebuttal by a man to the outrage many men have expressed at being deemed scarier than a bear in the woods:
