A town called Fucking was renamed Fugging in 2020

(No ferry) is actually an official addition to the sign. There used to be a ferry here, and there were tales of lost tourists pulling into the village expecting to find the ferry to Skye.

More amusingly, the local shinty team used to be called Stromeferry (No ferry).

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Thank you! Somebody remembers the bowdlerizing of “fuck” to “fug” in Mailer’s The Naked and The Dead. Does nobody read Mailer anymore? Yeah, he was kind of an asshole who stabbed his wife, but William S. Burroughs is still a Happy Mutant, and was worse (Mailer’s wife lived) right?

check out the comments next Thanksgiving when his Thanksgiving Prayer is posted… it’s not all hearts and chocolates for Uncle Bill nowadays.

And yeah, Mailer can fuck off, too. Not sure when we need to keep celebrating misogynists, honestly.


At least it was only his wife.



Not anyone important, after all… /s


No, he’s not. He murdered a woman who was a leader in the beat movement and got away with it because he was a rich heir.

Fuck him.


Check out the comments from last year’s. He was burnt to a crisp.


See Jon Ossoff GIF by Election 2020


I doubt it, except maybe grad students who either still worship white male writers of ego-asserting, overblown books, or seek to show how Mailer and others of his ilk (Updike, Roth, Bellow, etc.) wrote books that basically demonstrated how they themselves were ego-asserting, overblown dicks.


I think it it is important to remember that while these people were white men, Mailer and the people you mention (except Updike who was the quintessential WASP) were Jewish white men. And from a generation when that still had a certain stigma attached to it. Part of their “ego asserting” was just reacting to an American culture that didn’t fully accept them.

Doesn’t mean they get a free pass at being assholes.



Doesn’t make their macho-man books any more worth reading either.

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So, uh, what is there to do there?

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