Originally published at: A trash bin floats its way from South Carolina to Ireland, and its the stickers that ID it | Boing Boing
An adventurous trash bin travels all the way from South Carolina to Ireland
Methinks something is afoot.
bin there and done that… but
My father was a dumpster down in Georgia,
And he wound up on the wrong end of a gun.
And I floated away from the town of Myrtle Beach
Rollin on the waves of the o-ce-an.
Lord, I was born a ramblin’ can,
Tryin’ to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can.
And when it’s time for disposin’,
I hope you’ll understand,
That I was born a ramblin’ can.
Huh, that’s no ordinary bin. Did it get hit by radioactive waste?
Wrong coast of Ireland for that.
So the trash bin on the ocean became more ocean trash.
My mother is from Achill Island, Ireland; just a few miles from where the blue barrel was found. As I was reading this story, she texted me and asked if I heard about it yet. It will probably become a hot topic of conversation in the local pubs this week.
The real question is, at what point in it’s journey did it stop being a trash can and start being a trash bin? At the half-way point or when it landed on the shores of Ireland?
Steve Bannon lost his sea kayak again.
That would be a big loss for Bannon, losing his bin. What else could so perfectly represent his inner being? (-‸ლ)
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