"A Ugandan hunter is tranquilizing gorillas and dressing them in clown suits" — the origins of a crazy story that lives on

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/14/a-ugandan-hunter-is-tranquilizing-gorillas-and-dressing-them-in-clown-suits-the-origins-of-a-crazy-story-that-lives-on.html


My guess is that Wilson thought the story was fnord “too good to check.”

Well, you know what they say - ‘No Wife, No Horse, No Mustache.’

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Speak for yourself.


RAW never ceases to amaze me. I thought of him earlier today while working on a bit about where cannibals would stand on the issue of lab-grown human flesh, and now this post pops up. 27 is the new 23.

This detail alone makes the story pretty hard to believe. We’re talking about creatures with fine motor skills, incredible upper body strength, huge teeth and crushing jaws. What were these clown suits supposedly made of, steel-belted kevlar?


I was going to say “Samsonite” but apparently that wasn’t actually the brand feaured in those famous commercials, even though people often remember it that way.

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Not just in California. Seriously, fuck that guy

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May you down your share of 23 Cream Irish Whiskeys this St. Patrick’s and may at least the oatmilk live koji one occur to you as off piste and be sent to wander.

Reasonable graphic! Wow. I would like to think that the hominids are mourning Mr. Montana (not least of Montana Jacket fame; is there an archive?) in their own way. If they can down an absolute unit of a salad, they can uh…cultivate and refine coca on the sly and make 5-dart jacket and pant specimens. Next you’ll say you don’t believe the thing where you can glue soft tissues containing electrolyte just passing a bit of current through the interface. Or that apes use their qi to drive current on demand.

Whereas Carhartt just has a ‘Montana’ ‘Jacket’. Lessee… Claude Montana Archives (@claudemontanaarchives) • Instagram photos and videos https://www.vogue.com/article/claude-montana-whose-big-shouldered-silhouettes-defined-the-1980s-has-died
Ha, the Guardian obit isn’t like the NYT one (so, not survived by Franken.) The Other Claude Montana - Dana Thomas (There, he is survived by her salad invention and memory.) 40 photo and paywall cover at wwd.com
Whatever Happened to Claude Montana? Fashion God turned Phantom – Modig likeably different. 04:37 of film on it by farfetch.com at
Watch This Film About Radical 1980s Designer Claude Montana | AnOther (just yet without great apes.)
Forbes don’t paywall their obit, but the bit where what he does after Odyyessé (?sic.) didn’t fly just isn’t there.


As current Fortean Times news editor, I can confirm that it is indeed from us, via the Coventry Telegraph. It is definitely one of the more unlikely stories we’ve run, but we are as much about the strangeness of the media as the strangeness of the world, so do run tales like this without going deeply into verification, but provide the source for those who feel motivated to follow up. It is a wonderful story though and I can see why it would appeal to RAW


What a delightful story about (checks notes) …serial animal abuse perpetrated against an endangered species. Here’s hoping it wasn’t true.


Saw the “Robert Anton Wilson” tag and came here for the fnords.
Was not disappointed.

Mark: Nothing to do with this mondo-bizarro story from RAW, but if you’re reading the Hilaritas version of Cosmic Trigger III, I understand their pagination was different from New Falcon’s and I wrote the index for the New Falcon version, and I suspect the new version’s index is wrong, or has a lot of inaccuracies. The only comment I got from Hilaritas was that the index was a “pain in the ass.” I wasn’t consulted on the new version.

RAW told me he “loved” the version for New Falcon. Anyway…rarely to I get to apologize for my work.

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