A video roundup of the world's most lethal substances

Yeah you and your fancy shmancy calculator machine. I rounded it so the math was easy for my head! :sunglasses:

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I understand it to be getting a little tingling around the lips, and the “excitment” of dancing close to death without actual death. I will pass on death meals, thanks.


A nanogram of antimatter has the same energy of 42 kgs of TNT, so I guess it is quite lethal.
Also, photons. A single high energy photon could kill you if it hits the right (bad) DNA molecule inducing cancer.

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That wouldn’t qualify as the LD50. Humans have very robust sub cellular DNA repair mechanisms. A single photon’s chance of causing cancer is vanishingly small in an individual, much less in 50% of the population.


Fentanyl = 2 milligrams

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That’s pretty scary. It would be very dangerous to handle without proper gear. The idiots mixing it with heroin and other drugs are surely at risk mixing it up let alone their customers. This is the true culprit in the opioid crisis and it comes in the mail from China.


The 10mg figure is via skin exposure, though. If you compare like-for-like routes, VX is about 5 times more toxic than sarin.

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The critical difference between deadly and wishyouweredeadly! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You are required to consume a disgusting amount. yum.

Not to mention expired water, you really have to use water when it is fresh.

And I’m sad it isn’t! permastone in 3,2,1…



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