A woman climbed into the lion exhibit at the Bronx Zoo and uploaded video to Instagram

No, the ones I read about were (much) further south. Pity I can’t find it… it was an anthropologically interesting piece.

I think the ethiopic even is a semitic language? So ethiopians being related to jewish wouldn’t be that surprising.


Or just go down to Union Square in Manhattan. She’ll be at the table next to the 3-Card Monte dealer.


Yes, those were probably the ones.

To me the distinction between ‘middle eastern’ and ‘specifically jewish’ seems a bit silly, but I guess you can’t indeed tell that difference (as genetically there isn’t much difference).


The people who drive on the shoulder during rush hour.


It’s some serious Hotep shit

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This movie is more coherent than those clowns:


Yes, and possibly.

I say “possibly” because “an oblivious shit-for-brains with a social media account who uses religion to legitimize their behavior” probably isn’t a recognized affliction. Yet. There’s still hope, as long as Orange Julius is in office.


If by coherent, you mean it was fucking awesome, then yes…



Cat wasn’t hungry for crazy OR stupid.


We had a Maine Coon that purred like that.


Looked to me like, “Are you seeing this? Are we being punked? Now they just walk in like it’s nothing? I’m not even hungry right now.”


I’ve got a tiny Manx that purrs like this. :heart_eyes_cat:


So so so SO stupid. Lucky she didn’t get killed (fall in the moat and break neck etc).

I actually worked at the Bronx Zoo in the early 80s. Greatest job ever. Graphic design for the exhibits and marketing materials. We made buttons with 'da Zoo’s official Frankfurter extra bold font that had a zebra head on one end and a second button with the zebra ass on the other end. I have one on my desk right now as a keepsake. Little Italy uptown in the bronx has GREAT food, west side of da zoo.

Well one time we were gearing up for the launch of the new Snow Leopard exhibit. All ‘natural’ enclosure, special cooled rocks, hidden safety features (can’t see the moat from visitor view points etc). Well I was tasked with making some marketing materials and I settled on their paw since their paws are enormous to carry their weight atop the snow (and a super bushy tail). But we couldn’t find a graphic of a paw print anywhere. So we devised a plan to get an actual paw print. We wet down part of one cage and then moved the cats in there from the adjoining cage. Then we had then go into their dry enclosure by putting some meat in there. I then went into the partially wet cage to trace some wet paw prints. Let me tell you those cats were SUPER PISSED to have me (meat) so close but not being able to actually rip me to shreds. I was scared shitless tbh, but I got the damn paw prints. The smell of their musk is still something I can recall… and the noises they made when I crawled into their cage area. I made the keeper lock the adjoining gate down before I went in but still…

Do not f!ck with big cats, their diet is meat and we are meat. (edit for stupid typo)


Psst Lenny, it’s a trap…


Animal abuse.

If you don’t like animals to have to live in zoos, then you’re really not going to like how humans think it’s their (in this case, god-given) right to then antagonize these wild animals.

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Yes. In the last video, that lion looked like one of those people in hidden camera videos where they leave something in public to get stolen.

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Serious answer: If it’s undiagnosed, we wouldn’t know. And we try not to speculate.

Snarky answer: It depends on your view of religion.


Well lucky for her there is a moat. But, man, I love animals too but they aren’t your friends. Even Roy got mauled by a tiger he raised from birth.


Isn’t this why the zookeepers carry those tranquilizer dart rifles?

Obv I mean for the woman…


I welcome and encourage all Instragrammers to hop into a lion’s enclosure for likes.
Or self-immolation… I mean, you gotta stand out from the crowd if you’re basing your income on platform you don’t control.
Standing on edge of a crumbling cliff, riding on hood of a car, whatever it takes. You get those likes, don’t let anyone with common sense tell you different.