A woman climbed into the lion exhibit at the Bronx Zoo and uploaded video to Instagram

The extreme stupidity granted, yes, but how is this even possible? In other words, what’s up w/ the tiny little fence that any 5 year old could climb over? Seems like a lawyer’s wet dream or worst nightmare, depending on which side of the case he or she happens to wind up on.

It has a fucking lion on the other side, which ought to put you off, but, here we are…
{ETA: not you you, general you.]


I don’t. It will result in more lion deaths. I do, however, encourage the New York County District Attorney and/or the SDNY to prosecute this selfish chucklefuck for trespassing and endangering protected wildlife.


It’s like the lion is looking over at his off screen buddies asking, “Is this for real? Are you also seeing this?”


Stupidity is so rampant these days. It’s just a big kitty, right? I love the raised hands. What makes her think the lion sees that as some sort of communication attempt, instead of “Gut me right here in the chest?”


There are billions of people in the world. There’s always going to be at least one person who will willingly jump into a lion exhibit at a zoo.


May I recommend this excellent book:

Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon https://www.amazon.com/dp/097009731X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_IGuLDb9BJHCA5


That lion is making the same face I do when someone offers me a free sample of something on the street.

“Sure, it looks good but what’s the catch?”


At least the lion didn’t get shot like the gorilla with the kid that climbed/fell into the enclosure in Cincinnati in 2016.

I was living a couple of miles from the San Francisco Zoo in 2007 when the tiger Tatiana scaled the wall on Boxing Day to get revenge on three young men throwing things at her. Still pisses me off that the tiger ended up dead and those guys, and the family of the one the tiger killed, got settlements from the city. I figured they should have to buy a new tiger for the zoo.

I guess I’m a bad person for hoping the lion would take a bite out of this woman.


Yeah, because viral news can be stopped. I’m sure bb will get right on that.


I find grammatical shoddiness and noncompliance aesthetically vexing; but feel compelled to point out that we are almost certainly hovering within spitting distance of apex literacy as a species(still plenty of pockets too poor or unstable for basic mass education to have reaped the easy gains in population-level literac, but it’s an open question whether we’ll clean those up before machine vision and text to speech and related tools make functional illiteracy less problematic for residents of the developed world, so I’m inclined to call it a wash at least for estimate purposes); and human linguistic facility doesn’t seem to have budged noticeably during the course of recorded history.


That’s the only type of “Hotep” I can fucks with.

Those other asshats do nothing to advance our community, and only serve to make us all look bad.


The expression on his face! I hate to anthropomorphize but that was a classic “WTF?”.


Well speaking for myself, until I read this I had no inclination to go out to Orana Park and jump into the lion enclosure but that’s my weekend sorted now. Cheers BoingBoing.


Eh that picket fence is not going to protect anyone from a lion that crosses the moat, is it?

How did the Tiger get out of the cage? Just ask Gully Foyle.


Not if the lion killed her quickly enough. Nowadays zoo animals aren’t killed as some sort of revenge, only to protect people, even stupid people.

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Suicide by zoo big cat is a real thing.

Unlike survival of the fittest.