Adorable children perform death-metal

A six-year-old girl named Aaralyn and her nine-year-old brother performed their original song “Zombie Skin” on America’s Got Talent. As you may have inferred from the song-title, the gag here is that these adorable youngsters’ composition is a delightfully monstrous number. But really, you have to see it to get the full, amazing impact. Start… READ THE REST


They could learn a thing or two from the Brooklyn trio known as Unlocking The Truth, but then again, who couldn’t?

Actually, her vocal style is really from black metal, not death metal. And there’s no hyphen in “death metal.”

And yes, I created my new BB account based on my own metal pedantry.


I’ve learned the hard way in life: polka dots are almost always a setup.


I hope someone’s taught her the proper vocal technique for this. The metal “scream” is actually closer to vocal fry, and relies on the mike for volume/energy. Doing it the “obvious” way risks damaging your voice.

(Looks OK, but hard to tell.)


A screaming six year old, well now I’ve heard everything.


That was not death metal. Maybe black metal, but definitely not death.

Let’s get our metal subgenres down here. This is way more black metal than death. Slow, pondering, high screeches instead of low grunts. Let’s keep these kids on the right track lest they start a crab core band.

Unlocking the Truth is the best. These kids are unbelievably talented.


This reminds me of that kid’s group, Old Skull, that played punk. I think they even opened for some national acts when they were at the height of their popularity.

Interesting, I had not heard of this, but:

And some 1989 era MTV coverage with Kurt Loder. Naturally.

Unfortunately not a good outcome for the kids in the band, reading the Wikipedia article a little more closely :frowning:


Wow – talk about living the hard life. Thanks for posting.

boingboing has featured kids making awesome music before: Total Annihilation (and again)!

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