Advice column question: "A Now-Famous Comedian Terrorized Me After I Rejected His Advances 20 Years Ago"

The events described were 20 years ago, per the letter. Presumably the comedian was not yet famous then. So many people mentioned in replies are likely too old to be suspects (well, suspects in this particular case).


I really hope it’s not Marc Maron



Can’t be Maher.


You have to say it three times.

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Ooh, it may be.

Then again, you can pretty much pick any popular comedian and I’d be likely to say that.

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I don’t think either of us stated Maher is a candidate for “woke person of the year”. Merely that we both agree with some of the things he says (for me specifically within the context of on Real Time, I do not follow him in any other venue).

This is not and should not become a thread about having to defend liking XYZ or defaming XYZ. If you want to go on a diatribe about how much Bill Maher sucks (I am not against you having that take)…take it elsewhere, this isn’t the place for it.


This is exactly who I thought of. And twenty years ago puts him firmly in the heavy drinking, drug using, emotionally fucked up time period. He and Rogan are both the type to have a lot of underlying anger issues and barely simmering rage, but I don’t think anyone considers Rogan to be “woke”.


Just sort of bears repeating as you quoted me multiple times but left this out. I very literally went to a google list of “big name comics touring in 2019” and just cherry picked the biggest names that have been active and well known for ~20 years. Like I also said in another post…this is seriously just us being tabloid speculators as we really have no idea who it could be. Just throwing darts on the board.

To address your points about Maher…I don’t know him. I like Real Time and watch that specific show and do concur with things he says there at times. But that does not mean I agree with everything he says, and I have zero knowledge of his ramblings anywhere else. I follow the show, and if he was fired tomorrow and someone else took over as host…I’d still follow it.

I think ultimately it could be any male comedian who has been around for 20-30 years now. Miller is a good one to add as a possibility, I didn’t list him merely because he wasn’t on the aforementioned “comics touring in 2019”.

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I hope it’s not John Mulaney.

Pete Davidson makes it onto my list though.

They’re currently touring together.


20 years ago Mulaney was only 17 so probably not?


I don’t know. That’s a pretty good description of some of the 17-year-olds I knew growing up


Yeah, I concur with things he says, sometimes, but think he’s full of shit when he’s saying them.

Neither here nor there though.

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Well I think we would both agree that is not a thing applied solely to Maher. Most people are full of shit. :slight_smile:

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Some more than others.

Stand-up comedians, definitely, which is why most any name you can suggest would not surprise me.

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That’s a bit of an odd paring. Though I agree that Mulaney is great.

“What kind of person is stupid enough to believe in a sky wizard?”

“My mommy, so fuck you!”

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On the baseless speculation trend:
David Cross
Jimmy Pardo
Alonzo Bodden
Anthony Jeselnik

There are so many 40+ y/o male comedians that aren’t absolute trash piles, it’s hard to pick just one!


Well, that’s the thing, it’s a little too in character for a 17-year-old. Obviously the “I made mistakes when I was young” defense is used to by people who wish to be excused of sexual assaulted they committed at age 35, so it’s pretty suspect. When the allegation is of being colossally shitty to someone who rejected you romantically (not of assault), I think I could take a 37-year-old John Mulaney saying, “Holy shit, yes, I was a tremendous asshole as a teenager and I regret it” seriously.

I see we’re pretty focused on North American comedians, I get that but it’s hard to be sure. I was just watching some Dylan Moran standup last night. As much as I find Frankie Boyle hilarious I could hardly be surprised if I found out Boyle was a raging asshole personally. Russell Brand, anyone?

If I really want to feel bad I can imagine it’s Richard Ayoade.

ETA: They haven’t started doing posthumous holographic comedy tours of anyone, have they? I’d just hate to think it might be the ghost of John Pinette.


From the description I don’t think it’s him (I can’t find any evidence of him calling out Louis CK) but I’m surprised the shit has yet to hit the fan for a certain Portlandia star, based on a lot of things I’ve read.


Oh dear noodles I hope not.


I’m guessing it’s somebody we’ve collectively barely heard of but has taped a Netflix special and has been doing comedy for a couple decades. Someone perpetually on the cusp of making it.
Personally I’m just sitting here making lists of dudes I’d be disappointed in if I found out this was their shitty behavior. Kyle Kinane tops my list because he’s funny.