Advice column question: "A Now-Famous Comedian Terrorized Me After I Rejected His Advances 20 Years Ago"

I suggest we all sit and wait until there are actual accusations, with actual names attached to them. At the moment, all we have is a nameless person saying “This guy who I’m not naming treated me badly.” This may be entirely true, it may be a biased take on something real, it may be total delusions, it may be someone trying to stir shit up, or something else entirely.


That’s no fun. :frowning:


He’s a beautiful and pure nerd boi and any suggestion that he’s anything to the contrary will be roundly ignored with fingers in my ears and yelling.


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned late-night hosts:

Baseless speculation here.


I think this type of unfounded speculation is poor sport. Can we be better than this?


Two names that came to mind for me almost immediately.

I don’t know enough about Pardo and Bodden though.

Probably not Colbert, because he seems like too nice of a guy, but nothing surprises me anymore.

Fallon is definitely a top-seed in my brackets. Kimmel is not exactly outside my speculations either.

Yes. We could do a Misogynistic Jerk bracket like March Madness.

Oh, you mean morally better…

No, we can’t, sorry.


It would be difficult to get the field down to 68, that’s for sure. Not every Cinderella gets invited to the dance.


Seinfeld was super famous 20 years ago, though. “Jake” is now-famous after 20 years.


I hope it’s not Birbiglia (I cannot see that but you never know).

Jim Jefferies? He’s not terribly kind when speaking of women. I try to like him but cannot get over that.

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Oh fair point. I was thinking of someone that might be in the current stream. Seinfeld is touring and the comedians in cars thing was the vehicle the last 5 years or so.

But very good baseless speculation. I mean, I would absolutely believe that Kimmel is an okay person now but was a real shithead 20 years ago. (Or that kimmel is just shithead through and through, really you have to be ready for that from anyone)

Well, if that was right Jefferies would have been 22 at the time, so even if we thought they were doing pretty well on the “woke” front now, they could easily have been ten times the raging jerk then.


My thought was Trevor Noah, something a bit off about his attitude.

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Noah would have been 15 and living in South Africa. It’s not like it’s impossible, but I’d be asking for odds. Plus, something about the name “Jake” makes me think the person is white.

(I couldn’t put my finger on why, and I searched “black people named jake” on google and found a tweet that said, “Jake is the whitest name on the planet” and photos of two black men named “Jacob”. Again, not proof of anything, but it weighs into the odds)


Seth MacFarlane!

(Famously called out Weinstein way before the news broke)


My bet is Dane Cook, although he’s not really relevant anymore or Kevin Hart.

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One more although I hope to God I’m wrong is Terry Crews. He has said in interviews that not that long ago, he was a jealous, angry man.

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This thread is just like when Reddit tried to investigate the Boston Bomber.


I’m gonna say Emo Phillips, not because I suspect it for a moment, but only in the hopes that it’ll get folks here to quit the speculating already.


Is that what they are calling it now?


It seems kinda perverse to look to comedians -any comedians- for enlightened views about society. Their job is not to be good people, it’s to make us laugh. Mostly at other people, though the best ones can get us to laugh at ourselves. (But from their perspective, those two groups are the same)

Anyway, between taking our anger and finding something co structive to do with it that addresses the issue, versus taking our anger and finding a way to laugh it off, its hardly surprising most celebrities choose the latter. Al Franken had a pretty cool career arc going for him, and then it somehow stopped being funny.

I dunno. A well liked comedian behaving like a jerk to a woman? This hardly seems like front page news any more.