Advice column question: "A Now-Famous Comedian Terrorized Me After I Rejected His Advances 20 Years Ago"

I totally disagree. The trope if the fool who is the only one telling the truth is I’m Shakespeare. Jokes are ways for people to express truths that they can’t express without the cover of joking. We shouldn’t look at comedians to be “good people” but I have no interest in comedians who aren’t going to enlighten me.


Call it what you like, he makes me uncomfortable. He has issues when confronted, does not like to be called out or considered wrong.

[Reliable] citation needed

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I see your point. And certainly when someone like Hannibal Buress stands up and speaks truth, and something finally happens, we all like the guy a little more for it.

Mostly though, these days, “the” truth is such low hanging fruit, the degree of corruption we are all soaking in, makes for a target rich environment.

I still marvel that John Oliver is able to build an entire comedy career out of common sense, ordinarily decent reactions to unacceptable news. Even, “Eat Shit Bob Murray” doesnt take much nuance or sophistication… its an impressive spectacle, but he’s no Fred Astair, let’s be honest.

When telling the truth actually costs the teller something, like Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden, then I tend to think it reflects on their character. But even a jerk like Bill Maher can bat 900 in his criticism of things I also despise… it doesnt make him any more decent a human being.

And on the other side of the divide, this is the same dynamic playing out for the red team. Their politicians don’t have to be honest or decent, they just have to hate on the “bad guys” and they get a pass.

I think my understanding of bigotry has been gained far more through comedy than through non-comedy. I think black comedians have told me far more about what it means to be white than I am able to learn from anywhere else. I still think comedians are out there telling us uncomfortable truths about human experience. But can the writers for a late night talk shows put in jokes that will actually upset people? Not really.


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