After Democrats win big in Virginia, Trump turns on GOP candidate

I came here to say “Holy god.” I will never be able to unsee that one.


Earlier this year, “the American Psychoanalytic Association told its 3,500 ‘members they should not feel bound’ by” the Goldwater Rule, which restrains them publicly commenting on anyone’s mental issues.

Cant believe i haven’t followed up on what the members have said since. I wish one would comment on this story.

i can’t help it: what. an. asshole.

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These wins in Virginia could be a result of demographic changes in the state, after all, we have 8 years of Democratic civil servants left over from the previous administration still hanging around, I know many of them who live in Virginia. Not everything is about Trump; despite his and others efforts to make it so (both good and bad).


This one is like looking down the gaping maw of a sand worm!

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I don’t. He’s blind to everything. Eyespots would be more anatomically accurate.


The part of this story that is explicitly about Trump is his penchant for turning on everyone and everything that doesn’t make him look good, including members of his own party who have the gall to lose elections.

When Democrats swept midterm elections in 2006 George W. Bush at least had the decency to admit that his unpopularity hurt other GOP candidates. He plainly stated “we took a thumpin’” and accepted responsibility as the head of his party. He even had the grace to use the opening of his next State of the Union Address to give a shout out to Nancy Pelosi’s historic win as the first woman to be elected speaker of the house.

Time and again, Trump finds ways to make the guy who was rightfully viewed as the worst President in modern history look like a beacon of civility and class by comparison.


I’m not so sure. There’ll always be something more they think they can get, and if they believe Trump can help them get it, they’ll keep him around.

The other part is that the hard part of riding a tiger is getting off (as someone once said). Trump’s base will be vicious to anyone seen as having betrayed the Maximum Leader. Their revenge could involve simply backing opponents in primaries, but some Republicans are said to fear for their lives if they offend his fans. So no one wants to be the first.

The tipping point will come when Trump starts to cost them more than he earns, but it’s not obvious — to me, anyway, and perhaps to them — when that point will come, or how to recognize it.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means :heart:

Might even be true in his case…


As well, the Formosa Law against awarding him Kook-of-the-Month should probably be dropped too.

“The truly insane have enough on their plates without us adding to it.” That is, flaming someone with an obvious mental problem can’t make it any better. Most often cited on alt.usenet.kooks as a reason not to issue a Kook-of the-Month Award; often cited as a companion to Godwin’s Law.


The thing is, most everybody who isn’t crazy in love with Trump can see that he has psychological problems. And those who ARE crazy in love with him will never believe that he does. So having a thousand psychologists explain that he is a psycho accomplishes nothing.

Not that I want them to stop.

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Thanks for the ref, new to me. Otw to Kooks now. (Home with the flu :frowning: )

On brief review, I think additional reading on Formosa’s Law will influence my reactions and language. Thank you. But since Trump is President, not a relatively inconsequential troll, I agree: make an exception.

Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats

They won 5 out of 6 house seats.
The GOP kept Utah’s 3rd, South Carolina’s 5th, Georgia’s 6th, Kansas’ 4th, and Montana.
The Democrats kept California’s 34th.

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