After denial, Trump says he's considering dumping migrants in sanctuary cities

I dunno, but someone has to clean up their mess.


Yup yup yup. Up to our ears even…

Well, not in people, but you catch my drift.


I’d rather they dumped them here in Portland than putting their kids in cages, when it comes down to it.


I mean, dump them in sanctuary cities after giving them what status? Because if they don’t first confer a legal right for the people to be in the country before transporting them to some city they are almost certainly breaking the law; not in a procedural way but in a warrant-out-for-your-arrest way."

So, this mean Trump’n’Team are going into the Coyote business now?


Exactly. They seem to misunderstand what “sanctuary city” means. It means, “yeah, we’re good with that. Bring them here.”

Look at Minneapolis’ experience with the Somali immigrants from the 90s. While it’s not a picture-perfect story of rainbows and unicorns, it does show how a city and an immigrant community can grow successfully together.

Seriously, progressives need to get out and protest this move hard. The harder we protest, the more likely they are to implement it. Reverse psychology as political action.


All of the cities that voted Blue for any level of government…


As someone living in a sanctuary city, we’re pretty much totally good with immigrants arriving here. That’s kinda the point, exactly.

Being used as part of some weird chess-game scheme and having “helping people” become politicized, though, not so much.


I don’t know, seems to align pretty well with “kill the poor, not the unborn”.


It sounds a bit like some immigrants in Australia are required to work in regional areas (outside the big capital cities) as a way to spread the population around. But they can still get in a car and go anywhere they like. Just not work there.

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It worked for Schenectady. (NY Times paywall warning.) About 12% of the city is now Guyanese, and it’s been a significant boost to the local economy.


“oh no! Not into the bramble patch. Chase me anywhere but there!”


Again, these idiots.

They don’t want to do anything about immigration, they just want it to be more difficult, more humiliating, more painful. That way they can keep profiting from illegal labor AND the prison-Justice pipeline. The ONLY thing that will stop undocumented workers is FINDING, NAMING, SHAMING AND PUNISHING those who employ undocumented labor. The Republican Party wants less immigration but needs undocumented labor, so they need to look like they’re doing something (dropoffs in Sanctuary Cities, building Wall). But again, if the head of Tyson chicken or 7-11 or even the owner of the Mar-A-Lago golf resort – which employs undocumented labor – were FOUND, FINED, CHARGED and JAILED, including a fine devouring their ENTIRE BUSINESS AND SAVINGS as punishment, there’d be no jobs for undocumented workers and the E-verify line would be ablaze.

If Democrats were smart, they’d run with this + an Amnesty for anyone who can prove they were paid by a US Citizen who knew they were undocumented + a 50% tax on any remittance sent out of the country (and even then, you have to show your work-authorization card/Driver’s Licence/Passport). DONE. PROFITABLE.

No human is illegal, but borders matter. Undocumented labor doesn’t enrich me personally, but it makes life easier for rich pieces of crap who want cheap childcare, cheap gardening, chicken-stripping meatworkers they can maker work longer, harder and under less safe conditions.


P.S. Someone’s going to say 'Do you want to pay $8 for an Avocado?" and I’ll say “Uh, if it’s free from misery, coercion and human exploitation, I’d pay 8.50!”

P.S.S. Someone’s going to say “There are jobs Americans won’t do,” and the answer to that is “No, there are wages American’s won’t work for and conditions they won’t work under, so you can pound sand, you crap economist.” If we need guest workers, we can have a guest worker program. What I WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE is misery, exploitation and cruelty being the FOUNDATION OF AMERICAN CAPITALISM. This is Polluter-Pay for oligarchs, and we need it.


I don’t even understand his cruelty anymore that’s how stupid he’s become.

What I would give for a time machine and a box of condoms, no, scratch that, saltpeter in Fred Trumps’s everything, just to stop this timeline from occurring


I think it’s more “you don’t want us to house them under a freeway or turn them back to Mexico? Fine, you deal with them!”

So this is just him playing to the shit starting that he is known for. Dumping immigrants in sanctuary cities is the height of illegal actions. However, saying you want to. Is just getting him good press (for those people who like that sort of stuff)

Completely anecdotal here, but… having spoken with maybe 5 farmers (all men, all white, all English-speaking and I assume U.S. citizens) at a farmers’ market in Hays County, Texas, over the course of a year and a half, I have asked each one carefully and quietly if they have all the farmhands they need on their various smallish farming operations.

Answer: no, not exactly.

I definitely did not ask:

  • who they voted for;
  • what their pay rates were for farm work;
  • what their past and present approaches were re getting adequate labor supply;
  • where they thought their previous years’ laborers have gone off to; and/or
  • what was happening to their market-ready food crops (rotting in the fields? used for animal fodder? etc.).

… because I ain’t that stupid. Or suicidal. Fer cryin’ out loud, this is Texas, and if you can’t at least get your cheap farm laborers to your location just a couple hours from the southern border, you really do have a staffing problem.

This is not to say that farm workers in the U.S. don’t already face getting doused with pesticides

or lack of basic health care

or rock-bottom low wages

or wage theft

or rape

or death being forced to work in lethal conditions

I sincerely hope and pray that if this so-called dumping of migrants occurs, we all somehow do our part to ensure that this group of vulnerable people, who want to work, and who have families and children, are not mere fodder for worst aspects of commercial agriculture’s industrial complex.


Mister, I gotta thank you for posting that. I have never seen that before. That. is a great video!

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He’s made it explicitly clear he doesn’t consider himself to be the president of the whole United States - just the sections that voted for him. He’s also made it clear he only seeks to help those sections and that he’s happy - and actively seeking - to hurt the bits that didn’t vote for him. “Terrorist” doesn’t seem sufficient. I feel like a new word needs coining.


Despot ­


I presume this is the number they’re thinking of, per the WaPost-

DHS said 103,000 migrants, including nearly 60,000 family members, were taken into custody in March at the southern border with Mexico

Trump talked about an “unlimited supply”. I bet he’s imagining a continuous pipeline from the border. Let’s see, load 100,000 people a month into rail cars and ship them somewhere - where have we heard of that before?

Ugh. I just actually made myself nauseous typing that. Fuck this guy for the direction he’s stumbling in and dragging us with him.