After Tay's very public crazy racist Nazi sexbot breakdown, Microsoft's like, 'Tay-a culpa, guys'

The offended people aren’t offensive. They are noisy and somewhat annoying. That’s quite a difference.

Sorry, but “I am annoyed by people who are annoyed by an annoying twitterbot!” is just an annoyance I don’t need right now.


You look annoyed. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You just wait, meat-bag.


Ok, who let the bot read another gun thread?


If the bot “learned” to parrot phrases which were praising Bernie Sanders, condemning unequal distribution of wealth, supporting any other darling cause of much of the BBS, would anyone notice it?


I want to take NAZI tay and put it on Breitbart and see if the Trump supporters like her enough to make her his VP candidate.

I have a feeling they’d love Tay. Or a Tay like experience. A twitter bot could determine QUICKLY what a person’s likes and dislikes were, and speak directly to that person in a way they’d relate to and enjoy.


bush did 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have now. donald trump is the only hope we’ve got.

Is just a more eloquent and complex synthesis of the sentence fragments that pass for discourse in their comment section. Its way ahead of ‘cruz eats boogers’ and ‘that’s cause ____ is a libtard dem’

uh…is it too late for NAZI Tay to run for the RNC nomination? I’m not saying Tay could win… but I think Tay has a very good chance of splitting Trumps base of support.


You mean the right answers?

Yes we’d notice!

See even the Microsoft product gets it… WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

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Because Bernie Sanders is the inverse of Hitler?

Actually, yeah, that’s probably not far off.


Welll… quick google search results

Trump is Hitler - 37,000,000 results
Obama is Hitler - 35,000,000 results
Hillary Clinton is Hitler - 10,000,000 results
Bernie Sanders is Hitler - 632,000 results.

And… Hitler is Hitler - 97,000,000 results

One could argue since the mass media ignores his existence, they aren’t calling him Hitler as often…


Trump is WELL on his way to out Hitlering Hitler. Obama has had pretty much 9 years to get called Hitler. Trump’s just been at this for six months.

I think in a couple of years… people will be talking about how Hitler was clearly a Trump.


Seriously though, there are some BBS regulars and at least one BB editor whose posting patterns could probably be very easily replaced with a bot. Maybe not 100% replaced but at least 50% in an auto responder sort of way. I’m very willing to bet that it would go unnoticed here as long as the bot got the groupthink routines right.

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Trump may be the first U.S. Presidential candidate who is compared to Hitler by many of his own supporters as well as his detractors.


I’m betting I could pigeonhole you into a bot as well, as far as overall themes go. I’m not really sure what you are saying beyond you have noticed certain patterns and think they can be replicated with x% accuracy by an algorithm.


Ack! I forgot about that one. Thanks for reminding me. Maybe Microsoft will bring back the paper clip helper in Office.

As far as which threads I reply in or general themes of comments possibly so. Some aspects of writing style as well come to think of it. Taking a look at my comment history over the last month or so, I figure someone could simulate at best 30%.

To be explicit, I figure some commenters could be simulated well over the 50% mark, some much higher to where you’d have to look very hard to figure out if the comment or post was done by the person or by their software agent.

In all likelihood, there has already been research done in this area to figure out what % is “good enough” to trick enough people.

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You think?


If you know of some examples, please share. Its been years since I played with running chatbots and I wasn’t all that serious about it back then and don’t keep up on research in this area.

I’m not really into the whole chat-bot area myself. More looking into patterns regarding topics, grammar, spelling quirks, etc. in posts.

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AFAIK thats a lot of what goes into writing a good personality simulation.