Originally published at: AI podcast has Joe Rogan "interview" Steve Jobs | Boing Boing
Yeah, I’m not listening to anything to do with Joe Rogan. Sorry.
What? Two obnoxious assholes in one spot, this AI is out’a control.
Disembodied deepfake Steve Jobs sounds like Ron Howard.
Rogan is convincing
In terms of voice and style, yes. Right down to the inane rambling. That’s the exclusive deal Spotify paid $200-million for.
The “Joe Rogan” AI was amazing. Probably due to using a corpus of all his podcasts, and I agree, the “Jobs” corpus was all from stage, so the delivery was off for a podcast.
For everyone stuck on him being a “bro” guy (and idealized by the qnuts and far-alt-right bigots), understandable, but I have liked his interviews with people on the Toob like Dr.Paul Stammets, etc.
He also normalized fascism and helped to spread dangerous medical misinformation that resulted in the deaths of real human beings. So, no he’s not “okay” just because you happened to enjoy some of his interviews.
Ersatz Job’s sounds super fake, but what caught me off guard was the insertion of breath, but no tapering of volume as breath runs out. This is a very good attempt, and like the early video deep fakes, makes my skin crawl at the possibilities this will unlock in future news headlines…
We’re not “stuck” on it, he’s a fascist enabler spreading bullshit and medical disinformation.
But he’s so deep and asks such good probing questions! Except when it comes to pushing back against fascism and lies about a deadly pandemic, but he’s entertaining some dude-bros so who cares who literally died!!! ///ssss
I preferred his early career where he got repeatedly punched in the face, I think he should do more of that instead.
Father Coughlin played the violin beautifully.
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