AIG chief lamely apologizes for comparing outrage over bonuses to lynchings of Black people

AIG is one of the most corrupt, money grubbing organizations there are. Why they are not all in jail is an indictment of how corrupt our judicial system really is.

Whenever I see the acronym AIG I think of the insane creationist group “Answers in Genesis” – I guess this other AIG is just as bad.

Very, very important and true comment. Wish I could like many more times.

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I had an AIG retirement fund that I could not roll over and I finally cashed it out because for 10 years it did not gain any value. What a dog!

Life imitates The Onion. Again.


Billy Holiday expresses their pain:


Why does this idiot even have a job? He might be the most useless slug on the north American continent. F@#$ the bankers. They’re worthless. Get rid of them all.

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Thanks Cowicide, I think/hope you’re right…it sure does get tedious waiting for the tiny bits of change that come along, glacial indeed. Keep on Keepin’ on I guess,

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