Seemed like he was starting to say something that made sense toward the end but the video ended and I couldn’t get the rest of his message. “In fairness, a lot of people with pre-existing conditions have those conditions through no fault of their own. And I think that society, in those circumstances, needs to help…”(end of clip).
(I’m stuck in a rant-rut here today on this topic generally, what with the Alabama areshole and Jimmy Kimmel’s story so…)
Yeah - the only people entitled to motor insurance are those who will never make a claim, never cause an accident, never have an accident happen to them, and never have a car stolen. And their premiums should be free!
Everyone else must pay for their own (first or third party) losses.
(Interesting case of Russia which introduced complusory third party motor insurance a few years back, and later:
- those who could not afford it realised they could get their money back via ‘claims’
- the state had to regulate premiums
And I may be oversimplifyng that, but the gist is clear)
Going out for some fresh air now, will stop boring everyone.
[quote=finishing the sentence]the…the…the challenge is, though, is that it’s a tough balancing act.[/quote]But, please, go on about how the important takeaway is the throw away line.
Absolutely! She should have had a concealed-carry permit!
(I don’t write code, so I don’t know how to do the little /(,sarcasm) all internetty).
EDIT: apparently I didn’t know that I know how to italicize, though.
Actually, you do have a point but you forgot to mention that they also never render aid at an accident site (therefore never coming into contact with other people’s bodily fluids), never tend to the ill (thus never becoming infected themselves), never go unarmed (therefore never being harmed by violence), never drink tap water (thus never being poisoned by lead etc.), never drive … oh, wait.
I would love to see someone stage and photograph a “Republican women’s gym” with all of the women wearing full tactical ballistic armor, AR-15s, etc. Because otherwise, any of them who were harmed by an intruder would have been asking for it.
Honestly. The biggest issue with what he said is the implication that many or most sick people deserve their illness because they didn’t “live right”.
I can understand the reasoning within his head that tells him “Hey, if this person eats McDonald’s every day, and chain smokes 2 packs a day, drinks a fifth of whiskey every day, and has rampant unprotected sex…then why should someone else pay the price for their unhealthy habits.” Most people would agree that they themselves don’t want to pay a higher premium just to cover that irresponsible person. The issue is OF COURSE that most people that need health coverage are NOT that person. Further more…and this is merely a supposition on my part…THAT person is more than likely within his constituency than within the left leaning blue states and districts. Completely projecting that on my part, but I doubt I am wrong.
Someone above said simply “Someone send this guy the definition of insurance and how it works”. Exactly that. Props to whoever that was.
I’m typically against biological warfare; but I think a strong case can be made for a little, um, ‘humanitarian intervention’ aimed at providing the good representative with an example of a filthy sickie he is almost certain to actually care about.
This is wonderful. I expect to save a lot of money. I take very good care of myself, eating right, exercising, not smoking or drinking and I have the health that comes from it. Now my wife and kid can die off (breast cancer and congenital disease, respectively) and take that load off the health care system. Thanks Republicans!
Not to mention that not everyone has the same susceptibility to disease.
Plenty of smokers never get lung cancer. Plenty of non smokers do.
But, that line or thinking suggests a world with nuance and shades of gray. And so would be dismissed outright by these folks.
This is really an obtuse view. He is saying you’ve paid into a pool - insurance - but you should not expect the pool to cover you. The pool is only there for people who have “done the right thing” and are not sick. Meaning people who don’t have medical expenses.
Sound like to me, all the money is for the insurance company.
Except people who smoke - fuck them.
Indeed, a calculated strategy:
Throw out the “tough” (objectively, cruel) sound bite right away. It will satisfy your base, who are primarily low-information voters anyway. It will anger your opponents and get them to respond with more emotion than they otherwise would have.
Then come through with a mealy-mouthed “clarification” to prove you’re not a monster, even though you’re eager to negotiate away all of the nuance applied after the initial sound bite.
Now, when you’re called to task by the opposition, you can point indignantly to the rest of the interview and cry foul for being quoted “out of context” despite your earlier remarks being the actual theme of your position.
I mean, to be fair, they do pay more for insurance.
I think that was referencing the white voters in his district.
Nobody “(went) on about” his final sentence being the important takeaway. I was just curious how he was going to wrap up that comment. It ended abruptly.
I imbibe in the occasional cigar. I expressly talked to my Doctor about it asking if it was a health risk/concern. He asked…how many do you have and what are the conditions. I said “I may have 1 or 2 a year at a cigar bar. The rest I always have outdoors, and that amounts to maybe 8-10 more per year…so about a dozen total say”.
His reply: its a non issue. First you are in well ventilated spaces, not confined spaces like your car, or a room in your home. Second, you have a far greater risk from the amount of second hand smoke if you worked at say a bar or establishment that allows smoking for 40 hours a week. His simplified explanation was “While having even one is not healthy, I doubt its increasing your risk more than a couple percentage points. You are already such a low risk as is, you aren’t breaking the bank.”
So…I guess I don’t deserve health insurance.
Totally OT, but since this thread seems to be drawing people who live or have lived in the area…
My daughter will be in Huntsville for about a week in late June. It’s just the exact amount of time wherein I’m not sure whether it makes more sense to stay in the general area (working from my laptop) or drive home and back down again a few days later.
Any recommendations to suggest, worth staying in the area for?
You smoke in the same fashion as I (except almost always cigars outdoors). I’ve never had anyone say I should claim to be a smoker to the insurance companies.
‘Imbibe’ is only for drinking stuff. /pedant
I would fave this except the nitpicking grammar part
Technically I was nitpicking vocabulary, not grammar.