Alarmist chemicals

Its bennedryl. I’ve routinely taken 150mg for days on end for bee stings and poison ivy (both potentially hospitalize me). Hospitals use it (or used to) as the default sleeping pill for patients because of its safety.

I can’t even find an LD50 for humans, but the LDmin is listed as 10.1mg/kg on material data safety sheets (I don’t want to link a pdf). So for the average American male that’s close to 900mg. Now that doesn’t mean large doses aren’t dangerous, nor does it mean this guys wasn’t trying to kill her.

You hear about a lot of attempted murder and attempted suicides with diphenhydramine, cause people see “sleeping pills” and assume they’re dangerous without knowing what’s actually in them.

There are also dangerous drug interactions, and doses well less than dangerous can make you freak the everloving fuck out.