Ahem, Twitter, this is how it’s done.
Well, I would like to say, “Ha ha!”
I’ve got to thank you for getting me to literally laugh out loud this morning.
If you happen to stumble across those Missing Fucks for Jones, let me know.
What a different circumstance we might be in if Twitter had been courageous and banned Trump back when he started spreading birther lies.
One might think that the surefire way to take him down completely would be if he had to stop selling snake oil. I know there was a story about how his “supplements” are really the same thing GOOP is selling, but I thought there was also a story about how GOOP’s products were unexpectedly toxic?
Indeed, I thought that’s how the likes of Paula Deen and Glenn Beck ended up. Or are they still welcomed by third-party hosts?
I was also thinking of Scott Adams, but he uses Periscope, which is apparently is owned by Twitter.
Limbaugh and Stern are still carried by legitimate outlets, right? (I can recall the outrage twenty years ago when Stern first became available in Canada; how simple things were then.)
ETA: Found it! It was an article about how Jones's own products were high in lead!
Good on Vimeo, and good riddance.
tagline opportunity:
Just one cloud in the grand Stormfront of online media!
Does he host his site with a provider? Because I feel like he just needs to be fully banned from the internet
Indeed. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving slimeball.
The basics aren’t that complex or difficult. Anyone with a modicum of technical know-how can set up a video streaming site using basic web hosting services. The problem comes with scale. Streaming or downloading video eats up bandwidth like nothing else, and can easily overwhelm most websites’ ability after only a relatively few concurrent downloads. That’s where the big content delivery systems come in, and where it gets difficult, complex, and expensive.
Lol at that screen grab. He looks like an angry egg wearing a toupee.
Who’d have thought there were any tech companies still around that had some morals. Strange times indeed.
I’ve been thinking about that since the latest bile this hate toad has been spewing and i’m glad he feels embarrassed by his association with him. At least he gets tased into unconsciousness in a scanner darkly.
Yeah, agreed. Although like he said, Jones pre-9/11 seems pretty harmless by comparison - we have the benefit of hindsight now. Linklater has always had a pretty keen interest in conspiracy theories and the like, way back when he did Slacker. It seems to me that much of that sort of weird conspiracy theory stuff was far more populated by lefty fringe weirdos back in the day, and tons of right wingers have come on board, or at least have come to dominate conspiracy theorist thinking.
Ronson’s book ‘Them’ is alternately hilarious and terrifying, he meets some of the Islamicists linked to terrorism in London, Jones and the odious David Icke with the same Air if bewildered innocence that is so good at getting through the bollocks to the real mediocrity underneath.
May I suggest Pirate Bay, Mr. Jones? Your content would fit right in there.
(Is PB even around anymore?)