All the Second Life rabbits are doomed, thanks to DRM

Organ replacements.

The Tell-Tale DRM Heart…




For a moment I thought cowcide had returned!


Ah, Habbo Hotel. That takes me back… lights cigarette, stares into middle distance

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Yeah, that is a button.

Not the part about Republicans. I have voted Republican rarely enough in my life that I don’t particularly care about that.

The part about how virtual bunnies are a launchpad into a political gripe, yeah that does push a button.

I knew quite a few people who used to grind their teeth in frustration, several times a day, about the Democrats…

There are a lot of people here on BB who seem to seethe with anger several times a day, about the Republicans.

For me, I try hard to go a couple of days a week without thinking of either, and I’m working on going a full seven.

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My mum has already been forced into dangerous and otherwise-unnecessary surgery by corporate malpractice (warranty recall on a badly designed artificial hip that was leaching heavy metals).

The interaction of biotech and corrupt capitalism is a very dangerous thing.


SL is still alive???

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