Originally published at: American Airlines' in-flight announcements include mysterious "grunting, moaning, and groaning" | Boing Boing
It’s best not to question how airplanes fly. Suffice it to say that dark magicks are involved.
I believe in this case the magician was watching porn.
Well, that’s how it stays up. To clarify: the aeroplane.
The Return of The Gremlin!
How can an amplifier malfunction broadcast a human voice
Humans are very good at over-interpreting what their brains make of the sounds their ears process. At this stage I’d say the claim that it is a human voice is an assumption yet to be proven.
My friend had an amp for his guitar which would speak in tongues in the middle of the night. Turns out that if the weather conditions were just right, the powered up amp would pick up a pentecostal AM radio signal from southern Louisiana (we were in Dallas), and start whispering to us that we were all going to Hell. It was hysterical that this happened to a musician whose taste was extremely devoted to delta blues, “the Devil’s Music”.
This airplane’s signal was much much stronger - that HAD to be a direct connection to their system.
The aircraft intercom is a pretty dumb system, electronically speaking. There is often access to the intercom in the hold area though, so that maintenance workers can easily communicate to the cockpit without having to use a handheld radio. If I was going to pull a prank thats where I’d tap in.
If I’m fated to someday be on a plane where something goes wrong, please let it be this. It’s like rolling a 1 on the d20 of plane mishap severity.
That’s ducking good!
Which was first a sticker sold by a company making novelty items and then a band (who used the name, but not the logo).
I agree - our brains make pattern matching mistakes all the time. When I listened to it, I saw how it might sound human, but personally it was “close, but not that”. Opinions will vary. The final word would be if they can reproduce it
Mold a fake mouthpiece and slap it on a headset on your way in is how I would do it if tasked, or an insert between the cord and headset if they disconnect.
Boosted to mainstream media. Apparently, this has been happening on many American Airlines flights.
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I remember seeing that as a poster when I visited America in 1968.