American Ebola patient arrives at Atlanta hospital


What’s he doing standing next to so many people if he has Ebola?


I think its an old picture, from his pre-ebola days.


…has been transported to Emory Hospital in Atlanta,

…bringing panic and looting in his wake.

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It’s spread by bodily fluids, so unless he sneezes in their face, has sex with them, or becomes blood siblings with any of them, they should be fine.


E-bo-la! Bumpity bumpity bump!


I know. I’m trolling. :smile:


Do you think he walked in from the plane without sneezing on a flight attendant?

But he can be touching stuff that others touch like cold, flu, etc.

directs through… thru… redirects to:

edit: Although, given Xeni’s following post, one wonders if this wasn’t deliberate.

Having had the “pleasure” of checking patient rooms for radioactive contamination after they underwent therapy with radioactive iodine (something spread via fluids), contamination from sweat, urine, etc is everywhere. Male patients are the worse since they spray everywhere but in the toilet…


That’s very significant information. No, not just the punch line, but the reality of what an organic swath we leave behind.

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This is far from the first ebola patient on US soil. There were two outbreaks in Reston, VA. One outbreak in 1989 and another one in the early 90s. See the Washington Post Dec. 1, 1989 article “Deadly Ebola Virus Found in VA Laboratory” by D’Vera Cohn. Also the non-fiction novel “The Hot Zone” by Richard Preston.



Workers at a business importing monkeys from Africa were infected. The monkeys were being sold as test subjects for medical research. During the first incident, the Army infectious disease teams isolated everyone affected and killed all the monkeys. The second incident response was much more laissez-faire: one infected worker wasn’t even quarantined.

Why do I feel like we are living through the first chapter of a Michael Crichton novel?

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So it seems like a good idea to move the patient into a special room where this can be contained, no?

So, feed the affected ebolees radioactive iodine and then arm the doctors with Geiger counters?

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Decon tracers! You know, that could actually work! (Not sure iodine is the best, some other shorter-life isotope may be better.)

Good lord. You guys are geniuses. Let’s get to work.

Chapter Two . . .