American LSD use up 56% since 2017


Yep. I’ve had a few experiences that went that way and am very careful of how I’m feeling going in. I think there’s a lot of good research and work to be done with these drugs and mental health, but I’ve also heard people with no qualifications trying to convince someone with depression/anxiety that it’s basically a harmless cure all. So do what’s best for you and if you proceed do so with an experienced friend who is a kind guide.

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I don’t think I’ve ever tried LSD, but now I’m wondering if I took a hit in 2017 and everything I’ve seen since then is part of a nightmarish reality-bending hallucination.


Yes realize I am being incredibly paranoid but I really don’t want to lose my job.

But because I believe you, I’ll just say the only way I have coped the last 4 years and especially because of the kind of people I work with is smoking a lot of weed.

There, I said it. Fuck it. Weed is the only thing that has kept me sane in an insane world. I have no clue how the stuff is still illegal in the US, and I never drive, or go anywhere or to work high. Weekends on occasion. I keep myself responsible.

If only I could divulge I smoked to most professionals I’ve worked with, people like me could destroy the idiot stoner image instantly. Some of the brightest people I’ve ever known smoked. Actual genuine geniuses. The image is wrong. Hell, I have a degree in a foreign language and became bilingual while doing so. Everything I’ve ever done in life has been for some reason, very technical and extremely difficult. And yet, weed never held me back.


So uh, know anybody? :innocent:

I think you’re among friends here, sir!


It makes me very sad that SSRIs greatly attenuate the effects of LSD and psilocybin. 200ug LSD makes textures more interesting for me, gives me a little more emotional intensity, but nothing like experiences I’ve heard others describe from half that dose. Pushing the dosage higher makes me nervous, since I don’t know much about serotonin syndrome or other potential interactions.

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I hear it’s readily available on dark web markets.

Apparently psychedelics helped to create the present hellscape…

Q: What inspired you to create ∞chan (8chan)? How did you come up with the logo?

A: I came up with the original concept of ∞chan while on a psychedelic mushroom trip. I was past the peak and was on the tail end of the trip, and I just decided to browse 4chan because that’s what I did when sober. I was still tripping pretty bad though so I kept seeing these fractal patterns and I wrote down the words “infinite chan” to remember for later.

LSD rise is a collective attempt to to see if tripping is more bizarre than experiencing life in 2020 USA. I predict that it’s not.

Apparently this refers to recreational use and/or self-medicating.
But limited as it is, I wonder what the numbers are for therapeutic use under professional supervision.

I had a book of McKenna’s for a long time, I forget the name of it.

Even if I don’t partake myself, I do love reading and gathering info about it.

Erowid is a long time favorite, especially the trip reports.


I just realized my own avatar is holding a joint, and I regularly forget that fact. Its small, you gotta look for it.

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I’m with you. I’d rather have a shedload of opium and laudanum right now.

I ate some LSD in the 90s with some younger friends who’d been experimenting with it pretty much since they’d been in high school, which is also when I first tried it. One of them commented on how “visual” the stuff was, and I laughed. “You consider this ‘visual?’ I ate stuff in high school [1980s] that superimposed patterns over everything I looked at!” and they were shocked. They’d never experienced anything remotely resembling that.

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My partner and I both have the same experience with ’shrooms. Multiple times over the years, consistent result of ‘damn near’. And I’ve never even so much as snorted an antidepressant.

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Yes hello! I would like to do my part!



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