American media always knew Rudy Giuliani was a corrupt, racist creep. They loved him and wanted you to love him too.

It’s only a matter of time before American bigots revoke the probationary “white” status they granted Italians a couple generations ago. Next step after that is back to beating up the Irish.


It’s right there in the first syllable! Can’t you spell?


In all seriousness, the genetic distinction between “Jewish Ancestry” and “Italian Ancestry” is even murkier than the pseudoscience that purports to define Jewish people as a different race from the rest of Europe. Genetic studies have shown that the vast majority of the world’s Jews today can trace their ancestry to modern-day Italy. Their cultural and genetic influence have been part of Italy for thousands of years. One of my Italian cousins was the spitting image of Anne Frank when she was a teenager.

So if you are deluded and hateful enough to believe that Jewish people are somehow genetically inferior it’s not a huge leap to paint Italian people with the same brush.


Except for the free food. Trump would make you pay extra for food of a much lower quality


I do vaguely remember thinking in 2002, when he was getting praised everywhere “huh, I thought I remembered stories about this guy being an arsehole, must be someone else I suppose”.


How much he’s been drinking all this time is a good data point for this.

It’s also interesting how he’s fallen so far under Trump’s spell that he’s this servile, after having been so enamored of his own previous role of authoritarian mayor.

A good case for how people can be authoritarian followers because they really wish they were authoritarian leaders. The demagogue leader attains space in their hearts as a personification of the dreams they aspire to.

They dream of calling the shots and having the power to crush others, but because they can’t achieve that, supporting someone who seems able to do that is the best they can get. His dictatorship becomes an emotional symbol of their success, by proxy.


It’s right there in the first syllable! Can’t you spell?

You joke, but goddamn if that isn’t probably actually it! That could well be the passes-for-thinking connection that they made.

It’s just the right combination of unthinking and stupid. Puns, real or accidental, often pass for insightful wisdom or just “signs from the universe” with the same crowd.

…Separately one of my favorite photos I’ve ever had the privilege of taking was from a NY street parade I happened across in the late 90s, where Giuliani was marching. I managed to catch him right in the process of forcing his face into that rictus that represents a smile for him. I just dug it up and added it to this comment.

Rudy Giuliani in the process of attempting to smile, NYC, circa 1998

It illuminated and crystallized many things about that man for me, all the way back then.


Made this back in the day…

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