American of Italian descent has house for sale

A great fucking house. I’d buy it in a motherfuckin minute.


I can see myself standing in that kitchen eating gabbagool, assuming no one else ate it first.


A few years back a member of my client team in Austin came to NJ. It was his first trip beyond Texas and Oklahoma. When got to the office I asked how his flight was. “No problems… I saw an Italian at the airport.”

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He sounds like he’s anxious about selling in this down market.

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Joe Sr. passed in 2014, but Rose died in January, so snap up this three bedroom on the golf course in Mays Landing while you can!


I knew that guy when I lived in Philly. Actually, I knew about ten of that guy.


I think it’s totally faked. And, as an Italian-American myself, I find it offensive. It plays into the stereotypes of us in a way that, for some reason, doesn’t set off alarm bells like other negative stereotypes do. For some reason, people think it’s funny.


Actually, you can Google that guy’s name, find the obit from his dad and his mom and their address in Mays Landing.


His sister left a comment on MeTube:


Came here literally 90 seconds ago to post that I grew up around these guys AND lived in South Philly for a couple of years, and I’m not buying his accent for a second. The “Rs” are especially wrong.

Dat said, it’s a byooodeeful tribyoot.

But FOCK me, wuddafockdooiknow.


To tell you the truth it wasn’t funny to me and the headline is pretty insulting to Italians. (I’m not one.) I stopped watching after he said something like, “Keep following me, 'cause you’re a mother fuckr”, etc. since it started just making me feel physically ill. This guy is either a psycopath, or he is having a nervous breakdown while we are watching this putrid video. How about just taking it down? Honestly, it is atrocious, not funny, and I need a fuckn unicorn now. ya … (remainder is x-rated fuckry) WTF!!!

I’m no experts on dialects, but I’m pretty sure this is someone pretending to have this accent. The tip off is the way he says “bastards” in “Here’s where you watch tv, you fat fuckin’ bastards.”


I haven’t spent much time in Philly, but I can tell that the accent was an affectation, and not even just an exaggeration. When he says “here’s where you watch TV, you fat fuckin’ bastards” the accent breaks. It not only breaks, but he has trouble picking it up again after that point. It’s not even his real accent played up, but a totally fake accent.


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