American Porn Psycho


[quote]feminism |ˈfeməˌnizəm|
the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.[/quote]

[quote]sexist |ˈseksist|
relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex[/quote]

I’m not an “advocate” per se, though I favor women’s rights, but that doesn’t imply the converse, that I’m for “prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination” of women.

Your false dichotomy is on you. Your divisiveness is on you.


Oh, hey Zak! Thanks for the input. Weird how your picture was initially the same as your Google+ one, but then quickly removed, huh? Wish I’d taken a screenshot before that happened! Also weird how you’re posting under the name of the owner of RPGnet, a dude you’ve expressed issues with in the past.

Add another source to the abuse claims, about the secret Google plus group used to coordinate harassment:

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From what I can tell that’s about it. It wasn’t difficult to find that one myself, but then it wasn’t exactly well sourced or prominent in the search results.

Assuming that’s all true and not internet dick waving. I’m willing to buy it, but the sources aren’t great (I think the forum ban would be the strongest) and are the exact same 3 I found so its not like this shit is well attested. You’ve just equated a guy engaging in typical internet harassment and trolling (a bad thing for sure), with another guy who actively rapes and abuses women in the real world. Those two are not equivalent. Neither does it necessarily countermand the info in Zak’s article. It brings his motivations into question (maybe). But the article still echos claims and stories made elsewhere, lists confirmable first person sources by name, and fleshes out all those oblique references to Deen being a known problem for years we got in all the other coverage of this shit.

Again, the dictionary definition says “a person who supports feminism.” So I guess you’re saying you “favor” women’s rights but you apparently don’t “support” them. Sounds like you’re playing weird semantics games just to avoid getting slapped with a label implying that you’re a decent fellow.

And the antonym for “feminism” isn’t “sexist,” it’s sexISM.

sure reads like the opposite of

Anyway, peace out. I’m gonna go to bed with the life partner who I believe deserves the same political, social and economic opportunities afforded to me.


Conspiracy theory debunked:

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What makes you say that?
I’ve heard people say this about Zak, but I’ve yet to find anyone who can point to a post or thread where Zak has ever harassed anyone. He’s pretty vocal about a bunch of stuff, but harassment is a pretty serious charge.
If you could link something, I would legit like to see it. I’m not being Socratic or anything. I would sincerely, honestly like to see why folks say stuff like this.

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@Skeptic @Brainspore @NewArchieComics

If you all support equal rights for women and you all agree this Dean creep is bad news, then why are you turning this thread into a battleground over nothing?

I’ll bet if you stopped fighting, you’d find you’re on the same side.


You didn’t, but other old white dudes almost certainly did.


I knew you could see the bright side of things.

That’s largely my point, which is that Brainspore is being deliberately divisive, using black and white thinking, the kind I associate with conservatives, as in “Either you are wit us or you are again’ us.”

I’m sure I would agree with Brainspore on many issues, but I reject Brainspore’s labeling, false dichotomies and deliberate divisiveness.



My first thought is: what did you expect? The history of porn is filled with damaged people, male and female both, and for every intelligent spokesperson for human sexuality (Nina Hartley, for example), there are still multitudes of damaged kids with motives we probably can’t grasp, who are drawn to porn like moths to a flame. Porn stars who have PhD’s and write novels in their spare time make for an interesting, oblique defense of the industry, but the bottom line is to succeed in porn you only need to be good looking and perform sex on camera, so the bar is set pretty low-- James Deen proves that point. The author of that piece seems to take the straight media to task for enabling Deen, but the porn industry, directors, producers, even actresses who put up with him to advance their own careers, all enabled Deen.


Implying that you have choked on James Deen’s?

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See now if he was a nice guy he’d passing them around, “Who wants some moah?”


Just a riff on the fact that the mildly handsome Deen is known for his misogynistic rough sex that includes choking his victims - one reason why the mainstreaming of Deen is so baffling to me.

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Why do you say porn is filled with damaged people? What is your basis for this other than an outdated stereo-type? Who are these “multitudes” of damaged kids drawn to porn?
I get that this is one of those things that everyone “knows” but I’ve never seen any evidence of it.
James hardly proves the point that porn actors are more damaged than anyone else, as most people in porn couldn’t stand him. If anything, he proves that mainstream entertainment has a much lower bar for sociopathic behavior than these so-called “damaged” porn actors.


He’ll never be Abe Froman.

Yep, true dat. And I think that some of the most problematic are those that believe their own hype, too; they’re usually one rejection aware from taking the red pill…

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First, I do not see how this is relevant for the discussion on Deen.

Then the authors of the first and third links are the same; ‘Ettin’ (note that I couldn’t verify the author of the second link).

Finally, these are all pieces/thoughts/comments by others (possibly a single other) and no links to where Zak Smith is actually harassing people.

So, all in all, I see three irrelevant links without the information that was asked for; namely links to Zak Smith’s behavior, rather than an interpretation by other(s).

Edit: typo

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Some forms of feminism don’t believe in allies. Either you are a feminist (regardless of gender identity) or you aren’t.