America's worst: Joe Arpaio to run for his old job

… is it legal for a convicted felon to run for law enforcement office? :thinking:

Not that it matters, even if he can run it’ll be a fucking doosy if he gets elected


I also feel sorry for anyone having to call the sheriff’s office, too. When Arpaio was in office, their 30(?)-minute loop of “hold music” on their extension was actually one big political ad for himself.


Thanks - I literally could NOT watch that Time Bandits clip without then listening to George Harrison’s “Gone Troppo”, which the clip had the first chord of…

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As a convicted felon, how can he be sheriff if he is prohibited from carrying a firearm as an ex con?

(It shouldn’t be too hard to goad him into committing a felony AZ 13-2904 sec 6 in this regard, which would earn him a one year stay at his own camp.)


Damn! You cut it off before the good bit … that George Harrison song.

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87?! Maybe optimists live longer than pessimists, but fucks like this appear to be immortal. Is it spite? Emptiness of the soul? The knowledge that death may mean eternal damnation, so they cling to life for as long as possible? Studies should be done.

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