Ammon Bundy Arrested

is that possible? is my poll-fu weak?

[poll type=multiple]


Yeah, I have a feeling the rest of the zealots are going to be very dangerous at this point, hopefully they don’t do anything more stupid than the vast number of things they’ve already done.


there is still hope for the US!!

One dead, though.

Other than generic sadness at loss of life, irritation and martyrs for the “cause”.

Weirdly enough, this was at a traffic stop, not at the refuge itself.

Hey, you know, if all you got is tax issues, arrest Capone on tax issues. Whatever it takes.


About time!

They are seditious and treasonous. They should have been arrested when they initially and illegally occupied a government building. They are also racist bigots who have no respect for the rule of law in America or the U.S. Government.

They are domestic terrorists–and should be treated as such. Any politician or news media outlet who shows sympathy or defends their actions should be considered (to be) sympathizers who encourage sedition and treason against the United States of America.

Treasonous bigots like the traitors in this current incident were pointing weapons at federal officers in the initial Cliven Bundy standoff. They should have been arrested then.

What you are witnessing here is racist, bigoted. and anti-U.S Government, traitors who are engaging in sedition against the U.S Government.

I wonder how long it would have taken federal agents to respond if it were black militants pointing rifles at federal agents or taking over a federal building–I don’t care if it was in the most remote, desolate and deserted part of U.S. Government owned land.


Can any of us honestly say we would not swipe dongs off a table, given the chance?


When did you start making sense? Welcome! :wink:


So it’s Finicum, is it?

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Re: the reportedly late Mr. Finicum, here is a recent article from a less heavy source. Also better citations. I do find his words chilling. Esp as regards his foster children.


If you’re receiving this transmission, you should call out for arms to help us. We need help, They’re probably going to raid us any minute. There are spyplanes flying above, circling and just gathering info, counting how many people we have here, and I don’t know how long I can send out trasmissions, but I felt like you guys were entitled to know what’s the scoop going on. So. May Father be with us all. These are trying times.

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Holy, holy hell. I am sarcastic, but this makes me soo sad.


I know. It is hard to take any joy from this. A man is dead, folks. Think on that before you get too gleeful.

Yes, these people were seditious and the standoff had gone on too long. I don’t blame law enforcement here as it would be hard to end well but a man is still dead.


Hmm. So far this “transmission” just seems sadly delusional. Hope it stays that way:

They’re probably going to raid us any minute. There are spyplanes flying above, circling and just gathering info, counting how many people we have here,

Gathering info? Counting people? Just prior to a raid? How would he know?


It really could have ended at dildos, though.


Well, I suppose any planes circling overhead would be gathering intelligence. Why else would they be there? (I’m also looking at this from the perspective of someone with a conspiratorial mindset that’s been camping on USG property too long without a permit…)

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could be worse

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