An interview with Jordan Peterson, who believes in witches and dragons

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Quick Q: if that is what he means by “forced monogamy” in what way does it need to be advocated. We are there, right?


I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. From what I have seen and heard, the guy comes across as a boring, even keeled professor by referencing Greek mythology, 18th century Enlightenment philosophers, etc. So, when he goes on TV “debates”, he catches the other side off guard since he is able to cover his lunacy through pseudo-intellectual smoke and mirrors.

Really, he is just good at stirring up his own absurd controversies that make him look like he is the reasonable one.

Here’s an example (I don’t actually recommend that you watch this since it is a misleading clip, but it is an example of what I am saying):

And the whole premise is false. The idea behind this video is that there was a law in Canada that could put you in legal trouble for not calling people by their preferred gender pronoun. This whole notion is false. Bill C-16 did nothing of the sort. It simply added “gender identity or expression” as something that government agencies cannot discriminate against.

Peterson had mentioned a theoretical possibility that one could be jailed for using the wrong pronoun. Very few people have called him out on this.


I’m sorry - in what, now? What’s “fundamental mythology” supposed to be? There’s no Ur-mythology; there’s thousands of mythologies that agree with one another on exactly nothing. That Peterson perpetuates the Abrahamic myths by treating them (and cherry-picked related, similar myths) as universal just shows he’s willing to abandon even the pretense of academic rigor to prop up his personal prejudices; he’s barely disguising it. If the “views of the ‘intellectual dark web’ are inevitably going to attain victory,” it’s only because they appeal to lazy fuckwits who just want someone to tell them they’re right so they don’t have to actually think about anything.




You can’t just look at what Jordan said - what’s important is what he might have meant metaphorically after being called out on his actual statements. /s

Look dude - if you want to be a pirate- just go be a pirate. No one’s stopping you from living your dream.

But pirates are outlaws and have to accept the consequences of their actions. Asking to make piracy legal so you can safely engage in it is the opposite of the manly aesthetic you say you aspire to.

Go buy a sunfish and fly the Jolly Roger. Move to Somalia and attack supertankers -no one’s stopping you.


He’s strictly fly-weight on Greek mythology. (Probably deliberately so.)

For counter examples, I offer Hera/Juno as the goddess of hearth, home and stability; Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom, handicraft, and warfare.

Meanwhile, it was the male gods who were running around like drunken frat boys. A lot of the heroes too.

(And yes, let’s not forget who wrote the stories and controlled which ones were told.)


Really disappointed to see the Peterson trolls invade… and the something awful article only adds ammunition to their claims that he’s always misrepresented, that his positions are always straw-manned.

He’s a slippery target because he rarely ever states his beliefs clearly, and instead focuses on big, obvious truisms like “clean your room.” It’s a mix of very basic, uncontroversial self-help with a bananas idea that “neo-Marxist post-modernity” is destroying “the West.” The mask really slips when you hear him start to talk about inherent, unchangable “dominance hierarchies” that are at the core of All human behavior. The fact that he also spouts all this jungian/Joseph Campbell nonsense about a collective consciousness and how ancient myths are all “true” makes it shocking that so many “lovers of ration” find him at all compelling. It’s evo-psych on dick pills.

Here’s a great deconstruction if one of pertersons more ridiculous ideas:

I’d write more but I literally have to clean my house right now.


I think his stupid lobster analogy misses something fundamental in the relationship between lobsters and humans.



I go away for a little less than a day and this is what I come back to…



The good news is if you think this is bad, you should have seen all the posts that got eaten by the mods.


I was wondering when you’d turn up to save the day.

But I think we can all agree that this thread is a great example for why women need to define what it is to be a woman. If it was left up to men, we’d do a horrible job.


I know I’m looking at the remnants of a huge gutting; back in the day, Falcor would have called it an “all you can eat buffet.”


He’s happy as long as everybody knows his name.


He has the strangest hodge-podge of ideas. He seems reasonable at first, I think that’s why he’s gained traction. I checked him out because he’s being mentioned all over the place now. I looked at a couple of things and he seemed perfectly reasonable, and I thought people were overreacting. Then you get a little further in, and it’s like “What kind of mumbo jumbo are you selling, mister?”


Also a poor person’s idea of a rich person.


hostility is often in the eye of the beholder. a couple of years watching new members making comments on only a particular small subset of posts here at bb, especially having lived through the incredibly trollish misogyny of said commenters during the gamergate melee, and having already seen 2 fatuous newcomers working valiantly to defend the tattered scrap of dung-encrusted toilet paper that is jordan peterson’s honor, seeing a third newcomer offering the idea that jordan peterson doesn’t deserve the reputation he has developed is certainly grounds for a strong dose of suspicion at the minimum.


… another work of art proudly displayed in the entrance hallway. It resembled a mushroom cloud destroying an entire urban city.

Nuthin’ new under the lunar moon.

The “Intellectual Dark Web” seems to be hosted on Google. Very L33t haxors. Or did they mean Dank Web?

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Really? Checks Peterson’s rules for life …

  1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back
  2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
  3. Make friends with people who want the best for you
  4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
  5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
  6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
  7. Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)
  8. Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie
  9. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t
  10. Be precise in your speech
  11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding
  12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street



Then why did you say be a badass?