Another twist, Fani is done, now attorney privilege discussion and then wait for Wade’s law partner to arrive.
It looks like the state is confident the other side did not make their case.
Another twist, Fani is done, now attorney privilege discussion and then wait for Wade’s law partner to arrive.
It looks like the state is confident the other side did not make their case.
If this drops today, it won’t disappear over the weekend.
It really did not sound like they did. From what I heard from Willis and Wade, their story sounded logical and consistent between the two of them. She had explanations for everything they threw at her. Hopefully, this is done and they can get back to trying the fucking case…
Maybe I got the two sides confused.
The side with 37 lawyers, to me, did not seem to make their case.
Oh yeah, that’s what I was saying… we agree! They just did not have their shit together…surprising since Trump always pays for and attracts THE BEST lawyers!
For the love of god, I waited all day for this guy to take the stand.
It’s another big ole nothing burger and the judge seems to be getting irritated.
Who was taking the stand?
Is it the gent on the stand now, with the white beard and bald head? The judge just had to do with lawyers job a second ago (ask with question in a way to acknowledges privilege).
I know they’re trying to prove a relationship before a certain time but this is now silly.
I think the judge knows it.
Yeah, he doesn’t sound pleased… and now the lawyer is just admitting that his line of questioning is gonna get an objection… Unbelievable! Just a shit load of them trying to go “HA! GOTCHA!!!”…
And they got Roy Barnes (former gov) on the stand earlier (I saw a video of him in my youtube feed)?!? Wut… WHY?!?
They’re creating sound bites for Marge and trump to use.
He was called by Willis’ side to show Wade was not the first choice and other lawyers turned down the job due to threats.
A least that’s what I think based on MSNBC’s analysis.
Trump’s worldview is entirely personality driven. He believes that if Willis goes away the whole trial will go away. He refuses to understand that the trial will go on with a different prosecutor, and also he thinks any delay is a good thing. He has never made the connection between his wasting the court’s time and the way judges hand down rulings against him. He’s a dog that caught the rubber chicken-all he can do is keep making it squawk, but it accomplishes nothing of substance.
Trump loses big time!
Judge Arthur Engoron ordered the former president and the Trump Organization to pay over $354 million in damages, and bars Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.”
He also continued “the appointment of an Independent Monitor” and ordered “the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance” for the company.
My tv says he can’t take out loans either
A $83.3 million ruling here, a $364 million penalty there, pretty soon this is going to start adding up to real money for that guy.
That’s what he inherited from daddy
Mr. Bradley is having a bad day. First he was late because he was waiting for test results at his doctor.
And now sexual harassment.
His attorney just threatened to release him from privilege if that line of questioning continued.
She stopped the questioning.
what are we looking at?
wishful thinking?