Yeah, bitterness, examples and not running out of people are not the point or we’d have a lot more Cointreau, triple sec, IVF and flower waters around to match tastes. (Examples with death, you made it unweird. Remember the good Preclassical Times with life extension goading just Thanatos’s Framily Plan? Lemme validate your parking, 'kay?)
A case for reforming people with discrete logic or truly hideous featurephones could be made. Make him use Evernote or a AA-powered PDA until he composes gold (not hunger strikes for PS2s with modded cases, one of the chiral corner case interpretations of Mahatma G. in public law, though really it’s not clear a consensus on KillZone 2 is solvable) and never misses it; but I’m not sure that does the thing.
I don’t want this guy rehabilitated, even if it is possible. No. He’s not worth that.
It doesn’t make us nazi’s to kill people. We killed a lot of nazis if you remember. It would make us nazis to kill the innocent, which this guy is not. He is no longer human, he should not have human rights.
Yes. It’s a bit worn out but: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Yes, because the important thing to remember here ISN’T that mentally ill people are a danger to themselves and others and need to be identified and helped before they do real and lasting harm…
…but rather we absolutely NEED to focus on the fevered rantings of one particular mentally ill person making outlandish, offsensive, petty claims about their in-reality quite tame treatment in prison.
I picked it up for my iPad a while back when they were offering it for free. It’s fun, but after a while it’s just pattern memorization and I got bored.