Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/04/anderson-cooper-called-twitter-clitter.html
Which then begs the question: “how did trump ever find it?”
It’s actually on the other side of the taint, but his ignorance can be excused on that count.
If Cooper werent an openly gay man I’d think he was daydreaming of someplace he’d rather be.
FYI, “Clitter” was a Kickstarter for women-centric glitter - each piece shaped like a set of breasts or womb/ovaries. The lady who developed it (Veronica Moonhill) did a great job and shipped the bags of Clitter as advertised. I got one for myself and a couple for my adult daughter who thought they were a hoot.
And we all titter as he calls twitter clitter. Hmm… needs more ‘itter’…
Somewhere in the ornate halls of the Breakers a giggling ghost laughs it way through the walls.
Yeah, I’m bitter.
News big hitter needs mouth to get fitter as he calls twitter clitter - what a shitter. But nobody’s bitter, he just had a jitter with the litter in his brain, and we all had a titter.
I feel you should re-itter-ate?
Hmm, I looked but I couldn’t find the Clitter website…
Probably it will soon become the Clittergate scandal.
Something about this, I just can’t put my finger on.
See two posts above mine, from Akimbo_NOT.
Just above the gif of a pussy saying ‘oooooh’.